The funny part is that I found out about these two anime(s) out through TIktok cause You know.. since they just recently came out- and you know what I read/saw in the comments “well.. I find it cute~ “ “but their chemistry.. “ “I mean, I like it” just there eating it up- okay~ cool! Idgaf Like I said everyone likes what they like- but how much you wanna bet when these two anime(s) begin getting more attention/popularity though tiktok and just like ybc that shits gonna back fire
But you know what.. maybe not! since people don’t seem to realize anything “wrong” when it’s comes to a straight/fxm couple sooo.. long story short there’s always gonna be plots that are fucked and well what can you do? But I can tell you something you can do.. stop calling people that read ybc ped*philes bcs I’m sure as hell that ain’t what we are .. like y’all really think while reading this we’re fantasizing or fetishizing about young m/f & some of us are probably younger then these mf in this manga pls like..
That’s real funny pls.. get over yourself,, cause u obviously don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,, NO ONE is trying to normalize anything NO ONE is trying to indulge in predatory behavior by reading this manga (I mean I hope not!) and who are u to say someone is !! when u don’t even know them.. anyways thats all! bye ! <3
Recently saw all the hate and found it funny asf because no matter what!! this type of “plot” will always happen! if you like it or not- surprised ? Like it’s not old news and I’d also like to say this isn’t as nearly as bad as other smut/hentais that are out there..,, like this energy y’all be putting on hating on this fictional story .. this manga could of gone to a more important and irl problem.. but okay you do you ig
& Some of y’all saying “their minors!! “ “!cp” or what not but ..just recent there was a release of TWO knew romantic genre anime between a m/teacher and a f/student as well as the other between another f/student and an older guy(?)
Like.. Oh what ? “Oh wEllll.. thEy’re nOt in A sExuaL rElatiOnshIp..” uh okay? So what you’re saying.. is that.. its okay for an older male to pursue a high school female.. a younger girl .. pls anyways ThAT ain’t even the funny part ! (check comments for p2)