why is having an inferiority complex sick? They’re literally in a competition, feeling jealous is completely valid. Unless you’re some perfect person yourself who’s apparently never felt jealousy in your life before, why bash him for that. how exactly is he selfish? He acknowledges the fact that he feels jealous of the guy he likes and he hates himself for that. he’s trying to fix himself first before starting a relationship with half assed feelings. And he’s a narcissist because he’s confident in his looks?
and how is woohyuk a victim just bc he got rejected. He’s just some rich kid that got infatuated with jiho for no reason. He refuses to give jiho the space he needs and is super bipolar, one min gives him the cold shoulder, the next min acts all puppy so jiho has to feel guilty. And jiho is not some trophy, he does not have to return his feelings. That’s my perspective.

No your right having an inferiority complex isn’t sick but his inferiority complex is sick. Nothing is good about being weirdly jealous and he’s a narcissist because of his inferiority complex not only his looks but during the entire show he thinks of himself highly and everyone else lowly.
Second off. Woohyuk is a victim because Jiho is basically playing with his feelings. One second he loves him the next he doesn’t. If you genuinely can’t see a problem with that idk what to tell you. Not to mention the fact that he basically fucked over producer lees feelings as well because he was juggling them in between e/o. Even though he knew it hurted Woohyuks feelings, and that producer lee was serious about him.
Everything you tried to justify can’t be justified.
Jiho is realistic and he’s realistically a fucking asshole and that’s that.

I’m not justifying his behavior because I see nothing wrong with it. No one ever said him being jealous is a good thing, not even himself. You clearly skipped over the dialogue or his internal thoughts but he is constantly hating himself for that part of him.
He does not owe Woohyuk a relationship nor is he playing with woohyuk’s feelings at all. Give me ONE instance SINCE chapter 39 when he clearly rejected him, that Jiho did something to lead him on. Go on. Woohyuk is the one who continues to cling to him and even forced a fucking kiss on him when he was sick. Woohyuk is hurting his own feelings by not moving the fuck on, and if YOU can’t see that idk what to tell you.

Nobody cares about his inner dialogue he is who he is. And he doesn’t owe woohyuk anything no one ever said he did but he clearly is leading him on.
And idk how you expect someone to move on and get over someone so quickly. Ur entire point is stupid. You barely even understand the characters so I don’t even wanna talk to you anymore

wow, someone got all rude and defensive because they realized they don’t even have a fucking argument. that’s hilarious.
I asked for proof of jiho leading woohyuk on and you failed to give me any. yet you still shriek the same nonsense.
Idk how you expect someone with unsupportive parents and a dying pet to get over unwanted feelings of jealousy so quickly and start a relationship just bc the other guy is cute. Ur entire point and analysis is stupid.
And it’s rich that you say I barely understand the characters when YOU don’t even think their internal monologue matters. You don’t wanna talk to me anymore because you don’t have anything to fucking counter, just admit it.
Everyone was praising jiho for being so realistic so I’m gonna bash him for his actions realistically. first of all his inferiority complex is sick. he probably can’t even have friends because he’s a narcissist who gets jealous over others achievements and he’s super selfish. like he’s hurting woohyuk so badly everytime he goes and talks to producer lee and he knows that because whenever it happens he cries to jiho.. I’m feeling so frustrated rn. like I get that he has family issues and his cat is dying but those things can’t even defy his character he said so repulsive sometime. Not to mention I heard ///spoilers/// that he has a fling with producer lee and kisses him and he’s just gonna crawl back to woohyuk in the end saying hes sorry and how he loves him. like honestly woohyuk Is the victim here and I just feel so bad for my poor baby. but!!! I read the current raws and they appear to be lovey dovey again. So all is forgiven.