I think this website might help a bit since it’s a guide to translating. I’m not trying to be rude but I do hope you take some of the tips from it so it’s a more enjoyable read( the translation isn’t bad but could be better). changing the font and centering it would help a lot. I think changing the placement of some of the words to make a more round shape would work too. /lh :) https://www.insidescanlation.com/etc/the-idiots-guide-to-editing-manga/guide/main.html
I think this website might help a bit since it’s a guide to translating. I’m not trying to be rude but I do hope you take some of the tips from it so it’s a more enjoyable read( the translation isn’t bad but could be better). changing the font and centering it would help a lot. I think changing the placement of some of the words to make a more round shape would work too. /lh :)