Spring is.coming.

Zarathustra April 18, 2021 4:27 am

I don't know where I heard it but I once read it that this story would follow four seasons. It started with fall. This one was winter. So, if this is correct, we will see season 3 starting with Spring. Hopefully that means also Seungho x Nakyum will be at the point of their relationship where their bond and love will be blossoming.

On this chapter, it's was Seungho's protector role overload and Nakyum really making himself at home in Seungho's arms.
You have to imagine what the townspeople is thinking of this scene.
Seungho apparently has no preoccupation in hiding his relationship with Nakyum and, given his fame around town, it must be a spectacle watching him being soft and caring with anyone, even more someone that clearly is not of his status.
I don't know how this will play out but I don't think that even Seungho can just get away with blatantly going against rigid status hierarchy rules of society of that time. This is a time where people bowed to nobles so watching him sitting on the floor to cuddle Nakyum and then buying an expensive music box just to calm him down must be the gossip of the town. Maybe this will be what brings his father's into the plot or be used by Min and others to make him lose status.
On another note, the author retweeted a comment from someone who said that the lanterns in the scene was on purpose the typical lanterns of wedding ceremony and the intention was to mark the start of Seungho x Nakyum as a couple both to themselves as to others. That is a relief for the shippers who have patiently and painfully waiting for the story to reach the point where they actually show and admit they care for each other. On the other side it means the drama and conflict moves to the outsiders that will try their hardest to split them.
Min, Jihwa, Tarzan assassin, Inhun, Seungho's father and Heena, that although may think she will be doing good for Nakyum, at this point any harm to Seungho is also a harm to Nakyum.
They better be prepared for all the enemies and shit that is coming for them. Let's hope that at least we will get lots of Seungho pampering Nakyum in the meantime.

    Deidera April 18, 2021 5:22 am

    I completely agree...
    But can we take a min....
    “Tarzan assassin”

    Da-Hua April 18, 2021 5:25 am

    I love these kinds of comments. Analyzing things, predicting theories, taking the story line and details much more than what is being shown.