God dammit Netflix how could you ruin such a nice manga

Coool April 17, 2021 6:52 pm

God dammit Netflix how could you ruin such a nice manga

    HARU April 17, 2021 6:55 pm

    Wait why

    monkey88 April 18, 2021 6:16 am
    Wait why HARU

    the animation for starters. It was...poor quality *cough-shitty-cough*

    La potato April 19, 2021 8:34 am
    the animation for starters. It was...poor quality *cough-shitty-cough* monkey88

    It's not an anime, it's an animated manga. It is supposed to look like a slide show as the author did not want this manga to be an anime and rather wanted the series to be a colored version of the manga with voice lines. Netflix (like always) marketted it wrong to western audiences, claiming that this is the anime version, while it actually is not even an anime. (I hope this didn't come off as rude :'D)

    monkey88 April 19, 2021 8:42 am
    It's not an anime, it's an animated manga. It is supposed to look like a slide show as the author did not want this manga to be an anime and rather wanted the series to be a colored version of the manga with vo... La potato

    No it came off as informative and totally makes sense as to why it's getting bashed as an anime. Honestly, I wish I knew this sooner lol. Why do they keep marketing things like that (๑-•ㅂ•-)