ah yes another story with shitty men as the male lead bcs why not

one April 17, 2021 1:21 pm

omg i wonder why korean authors love giving their readers trash as male lead, do they think being an asshole is cute or what

    parkbogomi April 17, 2021 2:14 pm

    well, the king obviously isn't a bad guy, he is just lacking in many ways, he hates his first wife who apparently was evil so he doesn't know how to be a husband, and then he had a girl from her, but actually, he is capable of changing, the FL is teaching him how to be a father and he is so willing to learn , what I want to say is he is not originally a trash in heart, he can become better

    sweety1997 April 17, 2021 3:05 pm

    not just koreans...usually in all stories be it boys love or straight love, etc. in most stories especially popular ones the male lead is actually really the definition of "minimum expectation"....like they embody how the world cannot expect "anything more than bare minumum" from a man...he is already handsome, has money and is healthy...he is shown something he wants and he changed a bit for the better in order to "have and keep" it...cannot expect more or our whole believes would be shattered....imagine if people had "normal" expectations...dude the whole world would be turned upside down then...just watch stuff like turkish famous romance series....famous romance novels...or famous hollywood movies...guy is an asshole through and through, because he sees no use in the main protagonists...suddenly main protagonist sees a mini smile on the males face, or sees them do something out of character nice once, like safe a baby kitten or what....and the deal is sealed for them....there is a very hyped bl webtoon right now where the nice guy who actually respects the mc as a human being with human rights is being called "suspicious" and the first male lead who raped the unconscious guy, never told him and then when that guy (who originally was attracted to him anyway) came to him later to apologise for being drunk and not remembering, he acted all high and mighty and used the dude as some kinda sex toy without feelings, then when the guy one day acted like a human for once with a bit of dignity and distanced himself and gave attention to second male lead...the dude was like "what? why? you are my ona hole, i treated you nice, how dare you ungrateful!" and runs after him now to get him back....changing his behaviour, but still being entitled...and mc is like " aaah i am soooo torn"...like why? why? people root for 1st male lead.....don?t find the mary sue brainless half assed dude strange at all....and call second male lead suspicious...like bitch what? that is how little people expect and even settle for men....obviously in stories the have even lower expectations....but it is still a reflection of some sorts of reality...such a sad world....

    one April 17, 2021 3:31 pm
    not just koreans...usually in all stories be it boys love or straight love, etc. in most stories especially popular ones the male lead is actually really the definition of "minimum expectation"....like they emb... sweety1997

    yeah its sad seeing we can't escape this even in fictional world. my bad, i mean male lead in general not just in korean stories.
    btw the bl that you're talking about.. if im not wrong is it y*urs to claim??

    HeFruity April 17, 2021 3:57 pm
    not just koreans...usually in all stories be it boys love or straight love, etc. in most stories especially popular ones the male lead is actually really the definition of "minimum expectation"....like they emb... sweety1997

    Ur so right, I have been noticing this too. And I do realize the stores are not a modern day society but they still correlate quite a lot. I enjoyed reading ur “paragraph” lol

    sweety1997 April 17, 2021 7:09 pm
    yeah its sad seeing we can't escape this even in fictional world. my bad, i mean male lead in general not just in korean stories..btw the bl that you're talking about.. if im not wrong is it y*urs to claim?? one

    ah right, that was the title of that garbage story that has an undeservingly great art elevating its worth to something it doesn't deserve...

    Nikki.Nalu April 17, 2021 9:09 pm
    ah right, that was the title of that garbage story that has an undeservingly great art elevating its worth to something it doesn't deserve... sweety1997

    You should try Love shuttle. I like that one because no one is a douche

    sweety1997 April 17, 2021 9:16 pm
    You should try Love shuttle. I like that one because no one is a douche Nikki.Nalu

    bro...the doctor is a fucking asshole bitch himself....who manipulated and all...the first couple is awesome though

    Evie (JAYFG/IAYGFN) April 18, 2021 1:52 am

    Considering the spoilers, him not liking his first wife and not fufiling his "duties as a husband" makes a lot of sense.

    Nikki.Nalu April 18, 2021 2:47 am
    bro...the doctor is a fucking asshole bitch himself....who manipulated and all...the first couple is awesome though sweety1997

    That's true. I forgot about him. I also didn't like the brothers, only the eldest but everyone else can fuck off. *Spoilers* Also rant

    The third brother was annoying because he treated the mc like he is a toddler and he can't do anything. Just because the third brother can't accept that he is not a normal alpha like his other brothers. Like bitch, all of the other brothers let mc grow and be his own person, why can't you? You fuck controlling douche bag brother. I just reread the whole manhwa again and I want to slap the brother for disrespecting the ml. HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY BOO. HE IS PRECIOUS AND DOES NOTHING WRONG. He respects the hell out of MC. I also agree with your opinion of the doctor. Like you're mc doctor and mc is over 18, therefore, you have no right telling his mom what's going on in his life if he doesn't want you too. Who the fuck do you think you are to decide who know and who does know about mc situation. You are sticking your nose so far out that I can cut it right off.