I feel you sweetheart. This pandemic trapping us and making us unable to do almost everything.. but you know what? Somehow, everything will get better. If seems impossible but, trust me.. sooner or later everything will be normal again so hang in there, sweetie! Just remember the people around you that love you, it's okay to take a break. See nature, it's help! I don't know you but here's online hug from me (つ≧▽≦)つ
Thank you all so much <3333
its school that’s making me question my very existance and what I want to do in the future cuz I litterary have no idea. But thank you for some very kinds words. The semester will end soon and I can finally have some me time :D
Once again, thank you so much, your words touched me Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→
Life sucks :/
I hate what I’m doing for school and I don’r have any compassion about anything. This pandemic ain’t doing well for me, and school stresses me out. I dont even think I want to do what Im doing rn in the future. I want time to stop cuz life is going so fast. I need a break. :’(
Anyway, hope yall doing well :)