Like the story...

Meru21 April 17, 2021 3:26 am

But I hope a different scanlation group picks this up. You should put a trigger warning at the beginning of chapters, sure, but there is no need to be rude, to call people stupid (or, "stoopid", as you like to spell it) and be all around nasty because someone criticized you. If you don't like criticism or you can't handle it, don't do something that puts you in the position for public criticism. It's as easy as that. Your translations as well are slightly off and the commentary left in the pages should be smaller or in a different font than the dialogue of the story. Otherwise it gets really confusing figuring out which is your unnecessary comments and what is part of the plot. If you can handle all of that nonsense, feel free to read. I have to say, though, this is the most vulgar scanlation group I've ever come across. There's nothing wrong with being a pervert, but there's something entirely different with being a rude, arrogant jerk who can't control their mouth and think they're coming off as funny or witty when in fact they just seem petulant and crude.

    bowlcut April 18, 2021 4:42 am

    fr bro they were being so aggresive for what

    Meru21 April 18, 2021 9:13 am
    fr bro they were being so aggresive for what bowlcut

    I know. It's so childish. It makes me think of the stereotypical bully you come across in high school that tries to be flippant, but gets backed into a corner with logic. So disappointing to see those traits in someone.

    bowlcut April 18, 2021 12:55 pm
    I know. It's so childish. It makes me think of the stereotypical bully you come across in high school that tries to be flippant, but gets backed into a corner with logic. So disappointing to see those traits in... Meru21

    and when they said they would find the worst stories with r@pe and not add trigger warnings, that's what bothered me the most tbh

    Meru21 April 19, 2021 12:34 am
    and when they said they would find the worst stories with r@pe and not add trigger warnings, that's what bothered me the most tbh bowlcut

    I hear you. As someone who has c-ptsd and has been sexually assaulted, it can be really hard to read something super graphic or not-ending-in-consent rape. Triggers help for people like me not to approach something of certain types of abuse if I'm not in the mindset to handle it at the moment. That someone makes light of a situation like that shows how immature, callous and mean they are.

    bowlcut April 19, 2021 4:46 am
    I hear you. As someone who has c-ptsd and has been sexually assaulted, it can be really hard to read something super graphic or not-ending-in-consent rape. Triggers help for people like me not to approach somet... Meru21

    im so sorry, u should probably drop this because its obvious that the scanlation group is just a bunch of 'edgey' teenagers who will obviously 'get off' to our criticism