I get those that state their opinions about the story when they know what they’re reading and of course, don’t condone that type of toxic behavior, but on some manga/manhwa/manhua that put WARNINGS like RAPE, ABUSE, INCEST, ETC on the stories and then people come complain on the comments like, “wtf that’s rape.” Or “they’re brothers! Why does anyone like this” when it’s clearly stated on the warnings really irks me like the translator or maybe author already put warning signs so that you wouldn’t read it if you’re uncomfortable but then proceed to still read it, feel uncomfortable, and say sht on the work is the time when I’ll say “dont read it then.” Because it literally says read at your own risk.
K I don't understand people who do this at all. I can post a comment just saying my opinion about how I didn't like something or something that was toxic in that Manga/Manhwa and people immediately come at me with "dOn'T REaD iT ThEn" like I was just sharing my opinion about the book which is literally what the comment section IS FOR like I don't even understand what the point is to telling every single person who criticizes a manga/Manhwa to just "not read it" like why can't I still read a yaoi but hate the seme for ABUSING the uke without being told "dOn'T REaD iT iF iT UpSEtS yOu sO mUCh" tf??