Thoughts so far.

closetfujoshi27 April 16, 2021 4:30 pm

I personally think that the FL was making mountains out of mole hills regarding her relationship with the emperor. I mean yeah she can be bitter about the emperor not telling her that he knew about their one night stand and her pregnancy right from the start but is it really worth it to run away and hide from him. At the very least, the emperor showed her he cared about her and was gentle towards her through that dream spell connection something enough for her too actually grow soft for him UNTIL she found out that he knew about their sich right from the start. I think that it was petty of her to run away with the kids and deny their right to be with their father. Sheesh. AGAIN, communication is the most basic problem with this couple. Full of assumptions and guessing, mostly on the FL's part, without taking time to communicate and confirm.

    Eepww April 16, 2021 6:24 pm

    The whole reason she ran was bc the emperor said that he would basically kill anyone who claimed to have his kids. Now at the time he didn't know she was pregnant, only that she was the chick he slept with. But he should of been able to put two and two together, instead he did the creepy sleeping connection. Like seriously, if he just talked to her and been honest it probably wouldnt of played out this way. And when she was running her threatened to force her back, which was really controlling.

    I get that this stories gonna have a happy ending but what he has done is toxic in my book and ik I don't forgive people like that very easily.

    Also FL is below the ML, stance if that makes sense. So she can't just come out be want to walk about it, he needs to, that's how it was back during medival ( I dunno how to spell ) times, which I'm assuming this is slightly based off. Yeah relationships are supposed to be 2 ways, but I mean the other person was an emperor and had a reputation for being cruel and harsh.

    I would of ran to. Half bc I was scared other half bc I didn't know what else to do. Its not like she can request an audience with the king and then be like " oh I have u kids plz don't kill me and plz believe me. " hell nah I'd rather run but maybe that's just me lmao

    closetfujoshi27 April 16, 2021 11:07 pm
    The whole reason she ran was bc the emperor said that he would basically kill anyone who claimed to have his kids. Now at the time he didn't know she was pregnant, only that she was the chick he slept with. But... Eepww

    Wow that was a long ass reply. Anyway, it was true that the emperor threatened or may have killed all the other girls that plotted to get close to him HOWEVER as the chapters progressed it was revealed that he already knew right from their one night stand her identity and she was left unharmed. Instead, she was given a royal physician to take care of her without her knowledge of his true purpose, the emperor shown gentleness that uncharacteristic to him towards her e.g. she was fed when she fainted in front of him, caught her and made her sit on his lap when she fell asleep while she was standing guard and most importantly, as I have pointed out on my original post, he showed his affection and gentleness towards her through her dreams or through that dream spell connection thingymajig.

    All that she feared of this "tyrant" emperor were so far all based on his reputation towards his enemies. Again, purely her assumptions and hearsays from others. If we're going to reference historical period for the bloodshed of royal families for power, right from the ancient times til now those who are in power will always be ruthless to their enemies who threatens their positions but none of the chapters available shows his hostility towards her. If you believe there is, point me the exact chapter/ chapters and i'll re- read it for my enlightenment.

    As for you point that the FL were not on the same status as the emperor, uhm again, he did the first move of loweing himself by showing his affection through that dream spell connection. Controlling her andto threatening her? Aren't people overreading too much into it? LoL OF COURSE HE WOULD LIKE FOR HER TO COME BACK BECAUSE 1) he has some sort of feelings towards her, 2) she's carrying their spawn, aside from his care for the FL he care for the safety of the kid.

    Again, my belief is that her running away all boils down to her bruised ego because ML already knows about her identity and the pregnancy while she was doing her best to hide everything due to her unfounded assumptions. Of course, my opinion may or may not change when there are more chapters available.

    Whew! Got myself a long ass reply as well. Sorry bout that. I just had my 6th cup of coffee when I read your reply. LMFAO!

    Xoxokapas April 17, 2021 2:23 pm
    Wow that was a long ass reply. Anyway, it was true that the emperor threatened or may have killed all the other girls that plotted to get close to him HOWEVER as the chapters progressed it was revealed that he ... closetfujoshi27

    I completely agree with you. Bravo!!!

    closetfujoshi27 April 17, 2021 3:43 pm
    I completely agree with you. Bravo!!! Xoxokapas

    Eepww April 18, 2021 5:47 pm
    Wow that was a long ass reply. Anyway, it was true that the emperor threatened or may have killed all the other girls that plotted to get close to him HOWEVER as the chapters progressed it was revealed that he ... closetfujoshi27

    When she mentioned it in the dreams . he was all surprised. He did not know about the pregnancy.

    And sorry it was really really long.