Thank you for directing me to your post. Now I finally understand what the whole thing is about - and I'm really annoyed as well. I was shipping Seme and Uke...How could Uke do that to Seme?! Honestly, I think the writers wanted to create an annoying drama, I suppose. Oh well - on a brighter side, I see you're reading The Titan's Bride as well. I've read up to chapter 52, are the raws past that chapter?
Still seme never cheated, Uke cheated and Uke is in the wrong for this more than seme is.
Seme is also bad for not telling the truth I get it, but being threatened and blackmailed by fiancé and Director and being told that if you don’t listen, your boyfriend will be in danger. Blah blah.
Uke is in the wrong as much as seme is. Both are trash equally, all characters are.
And you’d do what the director did? Director blackmailed and threatened, stalked and spied, forced himself in a couple’s relationship, etc. that’s toxic level oof.
HUGE Spoilers up to ch 60 in raws, read the spoilers and do not continue reading this stupid BL if you’re mentally exhausted by all these characters. I went and read the raws while typing all these down. I’m so emotionally strained.
Seme never loved the fiancé and it’s all arranged marriage, fiancé doesn’t love seme. Seme never agreed to marry fiancé. Seme has trust issues after he found Director hanging with Uke in Uke’s apartment after tiger came to visit Uke. Tiger looked mad and left cause Uke kept defending.
After tiger left, Uke initiated to jerk each other off, the Uke and Director in bed. Not sex. That’s in ch 18 in raws.
Seme texts him and both meet each other in apartment later, both of them talk it out I think and Uke never tells him he jerked Director off I think.
Later seme makes a celebration for uke’s birthday or something and celebrates drinking with Uke all happy.
Uke looks off or something. Later, Uke tells seme something about Director I think. Seme looks very upset and hurt, mad, then leaves. Uke yells or something and looks hurt, then cries after he leaves. I think Uke suggested on breaking up, and that’s why seme is sad and mad. Probably also why Uke cried cause they broke up.
Uke then calls the director and both meet, and in ch 33, they both fuck. I think now they’re both friends who just kiss each other, I don’t think they are dating exclusively either. Uke blushes whenever he is kissed by Director.
Also there’s a scene in ch 39-40 or 41 where Seme and fiancé are arguing, seme is obviously looking very mad at the fiancé. I think the fiancé is blackmailing him.
Fiancé’s secretary (dude with green eyes/greengray hair) shows seme a picture of him and Uke. So I think he is being blackmailed and forced into the arranged marriage.
Then again, gray/green haired Secretary goes to Uke and meets him, then he tells Uke about something about the seme. I think maybe orders from his boss the fiancé of seme, fiancé probably ordered him to tell Uke to stay away. And Uke looked annoyed and probably agreed to stay away since he wasn’t with him anymore.
Uke and Director went out to eat and chit chat, kissed each other etc.
Seme later went to Uke while Uke was walking to his apartment, Uke flinched and told him to go away probably. Seme looked upset and grabbed him by the wrist. Both argued and Uke argued back, walked away and inside his apartment building. Seme stood there.
In ch 48 at the end, Uke meets up with Director in his office and both leave the director’s office to go somewhere. At the End, I see Director has a slightly opened files he was probably looking at earlier before Uke came to meet him. And the pictures were of Seme grabbing uke’s arm outside of his apartment, the pictures showed Uke and seme arguing.
So Director was spying on them. So then after Uke met up with Director and both left the director’s office to go somewhere to hang, they finished hanging out and waved bye.
Director at the end of ch 50, looked at the pictures where seme and Uke were arguing, then Seme’s fiancé met up with Director in his office. Director had a smug smile.
In ch 51, seme’s fiancé and Director were discussing something. Both were talking about the seme and Uke, probably Director exchanging something info to Fiancé in return which fiancé has to separate seme from Uke so Director can be with Uke.
Then Director gives a blue bag to the fiancé of seme. I think the blue bag has something to do with the seme and Uke. The fiancé takes it in her car and leaves.
In ch 54, Uke gets drunk while talking to a friend I think
and then the friend calls the director since it’s the only contact there aside from his probably. The Uke grabs the phone drunk and talks to the director with a happy smiling face, on the other side, Director didn’t have a smile on and went to pick Uke up.
Director smiled when Uke hugged and cling onto him.
Then took him home. In ch 56, Uke and Director fuck.
In ch 57, the fiancé goes to tiger, the tiger looks annoyed at fiancé and is upset. and fiancé shows him the blue bag. In the blue bag, there is a cell phone and a box I think. Both talk looking annoyed and fiancé leaves with a smirk.
In ch 58 at the end, the teal/green haired secretary meets with Uke. And Uke looks annoyed seeing him there. In ch 59 at the start, Uke sees seme tiger sitting in the car while the secretary stands aside. Then later the Uke eventually gets in the car and talk, i think Uke tells seme that he likes Director or something and seme looks upset and clenches his hand.
At the end of ch 59, while they have a discussion in the car and the secretary sees the director walking over to the car direction.
Last ch in raws I think ch 60, the Uke gets out of the car and the Director waves at him with a smile. The Uke goes to him and the seme tiger looks annoyed.
Then seme and secretary leaves, letting Uke and Director be. Uke and Director smile at each other and Director pats uke’s head.
And on the other side, in the car while secretary is driving, seme is on the backseat laid down with arm over his face covered.
At the end of ch 60, I see the secretary opening the door to the fiancé’s room and seeing her sleeping peacefully. The secretary puts a blanket over her.
I think he likes her.
Anyways that’s it.