Sorry but im gonna drop this manga. It's just getting way too annoying and this manga is w...

callisto March 31, 2016 2:36 am

Sorry but im gonna drop this manga. It's just getting way too annoying and this manga is way too predictable. It's not really anything new. It's just meh. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ and fore the characters aren't that likeable. This is just not my cup of tea.

    Anonymous July 14, 2016 8:26 am

    It's a romance. If you were expecting anything completely different or unpredictable read some books on quantum theory. It's about the only thing that is unpredictable. And I still don't know why you called this annoying.

    Rotten tomato October 5, 2016 12:25 pm

    I get that you don't like the Manga and I am cool with you dropping it but stop saying annoying, predictable and whatnot cuz the rest of us like it just fine~
    If you want somthing un-predictable go watch a cow grazing grass cuz THAT is sooo unpredictable(if you don't get the meaning then I will kindly tell you: go away bitch and take your comment with you) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    And if you're gonna bitch bout your human rights and freedom of speech or freedom of expression or anything really~ know this: I don't give a fuck

    Carnaxa October 5, 2016 12:50 pm

    nope I'm with you on that one, it really is annoying and irrtating. Good drief and the ukes are the ones I cant stand the most i mean good yeah I decided to also drop it.

    Anonymous October 5, 2016 1:39 pm

    Yuuuup. I swear the idiots that get their panties in a bunch over YOUR innocent opinion do the most bitching.
    "I still don't know why you called this annoying.."
    Did you ever fucking ask them to elaborate? No. There's you answer.
    As far as predictability an author your job is to stay away from being cliche. Will be still hate? Yes. Will people like it? Yes. Does it fucking who does and doesn't like it? No. All your opinions carrying the same fucking weight. No one gives a fuck if you like it. They don't. End of story. You can pull that wedge out of your ass now.


    Kilmeny October 5, 2016 3:42 pm
    I get that you don't like the Manga and I am cool with you dropping it but stop saying annoying, predictable and whatnot cuz the rest of us like it just fine~If you want somthing un-predictable go watch a cow g... @Rotten tomato

    We all can have our opinion. Being critical of something isn't being bitchy, it's being truthful to one's opinion, and insightful. And notice that callisto explained why she doesn't like it, it's not that she said "it's stupid" and ended with that. She gave a normal, honest explanation. Now, your calling her "bitch" is the exact opposite.

    Turbo October 5, 2016 6:58 pm

    I keep reading this because I love Astrophysic but this manga just broke my heart.

    Angela October 5, 2016 8:18 pm
    We all can have our opinion. Being critical of something isn't being bitchy, it's being truthful to one's opinion, and insightful. And notice that callisto explained why she doesn't like it, it's not that she s... Kilmeny

    Helo helo everyone, please be calm

    You are right kilmeny, we all have our right for being critical, however, do you know that rights come after duties? If we already finished our duties, then we can get our rights (example, we have to work first, then we get paid)

    So, have you finished your duty to the author? Frankly speking, have you paid the author by paying properly and reading the manga legally? We all here read this illegally, we dont even pay one penny to the author or publisher, we dont do our duties to them... so, do you think we all still have any right for being critical?

    I am fully aware I read many mangas illegally, that is why when i dont like some mangas, i will drop it silently, i will not tell the world about that, because reading that or not doesnt give anything to the authors or publishers

    Different story for the mangas i like very much, i will comment it with positive review, and i will buy it legally when they are abailable in my country or when i visit japan or by online, because that is the only way we can support the aurhors

    Please be considerate everyone, please realize that we do the illegal thing by reading this, i will not say to stop read in mangago, but please, i beg you, please hold our tongues (or... fingers) for negative review, please

    Anonymous October 5, 2016 10:19 pm
    Helo helo everyone, please be calmYou are right kilmeny, we all have our right for being critical, however, do you know that rights come after duties? If we already finished our duties, then we can get our righ... @Angela

    Rights do not come after duties. As Americans you have natural rights that come simply with birth and citizenship from being born on American soil. No work there. Pretty straight forward. In fact, citizenship is gained simply by birth in other countries as well, and with citizenship comes rights. I come from a republic where rights come from the people and even stretch down to those who do not perform their civil duties: those who do not vote are not without that right simply because they do not vote. Those who do not attend jury duty are not without the right to due process simply because they did not attend jury duty or give notice to their possible absence---because the duty is not DONE, does not mean the right is null or nonexistent. It is there as it is for everyone. Law is inclusive, it is not picky and choosy. If you have that right after buying the manga...I have that right even if I choose not to.

    This is COMMENT section. It serves its purpose. No censorship is warranted. You may censor YOURSELF, but not others. Do what you want, but the comment section will be filled whatever someone pleases. Her comment wasn't rude and doesn't require self-reflection from you. Like I said, what works for you, works for YOU. Others are more comfortable voicing their opinions on a comment section...using it for what it is make comments.

    As for the duty to the authors....I agree it would do the manga justice to buy and read it legally, but sites like these aren't going anywhere. It's not a duty. When did that become a duty? Not only that, when did that "duty" permit a lack of criticism. You can criticize things you genuinely like. Mangago is not goodreads for books....this is a COMMENT SECTION. Where the most informative critique is, "this was awesome." Or my favorite, "i wish they would have had a threesome." Nothing but pure opinions, far from a professional review. You want that persuasiveness, go somewhere else. Not here. Dear god.

    Angela October 5, 2016 10:40 pm
    Rights do not come after duties. As Americans you have natural rights that come simply with birth and citizenship from being born on American soil. No work there. Pretty straight forward. In fact, citizenship ... @Anonymous

    ah i see, you are right, thank you so much for elaborate it, really thank you ;-) I was just placing myself if I were the author and knowing that my works were illegally read around the world, it will hurt me so much beyond words

    just one comment from me, please read it legally when it is available, okay dear ;-)

    Anonymous October 5, 2016 10:47 pm
    ah i see, you are right, thank you so much for elaborate it, really thank you ;-) I was just placing myself if I were the author and knowing that my works were illegally read around the world, it will hurt me s... @Angela

    That's how americans think, angela, dont be so sad just because you got annoying thumb

    I know you just want us to understand the feeling of the mangaka-san, but those american person is also right, we can comment anything in this site, but I aggree with you, we have to support the mangaka

    thank you for reminding us, angela

    Anonymous October 5, 2016 10:51 pm
    Rights do not come after duties. As Americans you have natural rights that come simply with birth and citizenship from being born on American soil. No work there. Pretty straight forward. In fact, citizenship ... @Anonymous

    Just wondering, as american, will you buy this manga if you like it and it is available in US (the greatest country in the world, the greatest country which fights for human rights including writer's right)?

    Other anonymous October 6, 2016 12:03 am
    Rights do not come after duties. As Americans you have natural rights that come simply with birth and citizenship from being born on American soil. No work there. Pretty straight forward. In fact, citizenship ... @Anonymous


    as if

    Vampire Queen October 6, 2016 7:13 am
    It's a romance. If you were expecting anything completely different or unpredictable read some books on quantum theory. It's about the only thing that is unpredictable. And I still don't know why you called thi... @Anonymous

    It's actually more of a drama than a romance story.

    Not american October 6, 2016 7:48 am
    Rights do not come after duties. As Americans you have natural rights that come simply with birth and citizenship from being born on American soil. No work there. Pretty straight forward. In fact, citizenship ... @Anonymous

    Nggg, I do not know, but I feel your comment is a bit, mmm, emotional...? (Sorry if i am wrong)

    I saw angela wrote her comment (or him) by using polite words, she even wrote 'please' and 'beg' in a polite way

    But you, who is american and can understand english, replied her by capital letters (which usually means you shouthed to her, such as 'works for YOU' seems like you directed your finger to her) and you also said 'go somewhere else', which seems like you force her to go

    I am sorry if I am wrong, but, please, can you reply other person politely? (At least for polite people)

    And for angela, I give my salute for you because you can reply that person still in a polite way, even though that person a bit impolite to you

    Once again, I am sorry if I am wrong to dechiper your intentions beyond the capital letters and words

    Internet society this days is really easy to feel insulted and reply with insulting words also. Dear god.

    Anonymous October 6, 2016 8:31 pm

    Funny you go after the American's comment and not the ones cursing and calling a comment "bitching". Dear god. God forbid someone talks using their words and not resorting to cursing.

    Also your reply is no better. Sorry, drifting between apologies and snark comments do not equal polite or tolerant. Woooo....

    Angela October 6, 2016 9:21 pm
    Funny you go after the American's comment and not the ones cursing and calling a comment "bitching". Dear god. God forbid someone talks using their words and not resorting to cursing.Also your reply is no bette... @Anonymous

    Please everyone, stop, this is my fault to start talking about rights, i really really wrote as polite as possible in my first comment and there is no harsh word there because or bickerings, because i always check my comment and dont want to start any debate

    Please stop this and forgive me