Can anyone give some Spoilers....

Donghun-Hyung April 16, 2021 5:57 am

I have to know what happens( °Д ° )

    SaltyCoconut April 16, 2021 7:38 am

    Ehehehehe, i finished the whole novel just then, but all I'm going tell u is this, THE SEME IS GONNA BE EVEN MORE OF A DICKHEAD...
    (but he'll pay for all of it, and by all, i actually mean nearly all, but hey at least I'll tell u there's some big character dev hehhehehehe)

    754690 April 16, 2021 10:46 am
    Ehehehehe, i finished the whole novel just then, but all I'm going tell u is this, THE SEME IS GONNA BE EVEN MORE OF A DICKHEAD...(but he'll pay for all of it, and by all, i actually mean nearly all, but hey at... SaltyCoconut

    Where can I read the novel??
    Give me the link

    Donghun-Hyung April 16, 2021 8:58 pm
    Ehehehehe, i finished the whole novel just then, but all I'm going tell u is this, THE SEME IS GONNA BE EVEN MORE OF A DICKHEAD...(but he'll pay for all of it, and by all, i actually mean nearly all, but hey at... SaltyCoconut

    Just let me know if he'll regret it and if they stay together, I really don't want them too(/TДT)/

    Yametee~ April 17, 2021 2:54 pm
    Ehehehehe, i finished the whole novel just then, but all I'm going tell u is this, THE SEME IS GONNA BE EVEN MORE OF A DICKHEAD...(but he'll pay for all of it, and by all, i actually mean nearly all, but hey at... SaltyCoconut

    Can you tell me what chapter this starts? Huhu

    SaltyCoconut April 30, 2021 6:44 am
    Just let me know if he'll regret it and if they stay together, I really don't want them too(/TДT)/ Donghun-Hyung

    Yes....they do....thats what i thought at first, but the seme really does pay for what he did, so, ye

    SaltyCoconut April 30, 2021 6:44 am
    Where can I read the novel??Give me the link 754690

    Its in chinese(;´༎ٹ༎`)
    And translations aren't exactly good...