Idk what y'all on about

Maybeblue April 14, 2021 6:21 am

This was so creepy.
All those scenes where mc gets excited or rubs himself on the kid were awful, and the fact he developes romantic feelings for a literal child...I mean y'all fine with that? He's in love with a child and proposes to him and no one thinks there's something wrong with that? And when he said at the end "let's do all the things we couldn't when I was a kid", like ??? was that supposed to be cute???

    Maybeblue April 14, 2021 6:31 am

    Also it's not like there was no other way to go about it. This would have worked so much better if the story was written to have Chika being drawn to the kid because they're fated partners but these feelings were neither romantic nor sexual, more like just having the feeling that you have a connection with the other person. Then they could have decided to be apart for the precise reason of not wanting these feelings to take a risky turn and develop into something inappropriate, and only after the alpha was of age they could meet again and start building their relationship in a good healthy way. This way the main plot points would still be there as well as the interior conflicts of the protagonists that doesn't want to lust after an 8 yo kid, all this while aviding having so much romantic and sexual desire being directed towards a child.

    (= _=) April 16, 2021 11:16 pm

    Thank you finally someone being rational in the comments.