The one we are currently reading is sequel The main story is about our MC with an omega the short black haired guy and the brother of the MC That's why we are confused we haven't read the main story .
The one we are currently reading is sequel The main story is about our MC with an omega the short black haired guy and the brother of the MC That's why we are confused we haven't read the main story . SENPAI
Thank you I copy paste it in toonkor search and found it there, 9 chapters didn't know it was omegaverse,+%EC%A2%8B%EC%95%84%ED%95%B4&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALeKk02Ho0Okafn2VRMtcV9Pice2FfxI5g:1618380456093&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis98iBif3vAhVg_rsIHWJuB3YQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&cshid=1618380940370&biw=393&bih=619#imgrc=oWJotLpJwBqyhM