
kangarootoess April 14, 2021 4:29 am

I found this comment on Manganelo under Dangerous Convenience Store, and I think you all should give it a read as well. I 100% agree with their perspective ৲ (I also quite liked ahjussi before this, but reading this comment really opened my eyes)

"Actually pretty disappointed at Ahjussi. Even though he's probably jealous and wants things to go his way, Eui Joon said no several times, and asked for patience and gentleness that was definitely not present. He said "sure/ok" like once but that affirmation was flimsy at best. All their interactions up to this point was cute, sexy AND consentual. But these few chapters in the car left a bad taste. I kind of hope Eui Joon sticks to his guns and draws a line with Ahjussi because I just felt sorry for Eui Joon this chapter. he's tired from work and school, hungry, probably really sore and will have stomach ache for days because of the lack of condom and I have a feeling he might run a fever and collapse because of how overworked he is. This was pretty selfish. Again, very bleh."

- Nikki Siapno, a comment

    roland April 14, 2021 5:31 am

    But guys. Eui Joon always suggest these encounters of theirs. Also I have noticed something. People assume and forget the writers intent. If Eui Joon wakes up and complains about it then sure. But normally people just assume. If the author has not said so why do people always just insert their own narrative. Realistically speaking Ajushi cannot fit in the car. But hey. The author wrote it so and so it is

    Buney April 14, 2021 5:32 am

    I understand, but you see i think the reason why ahjuicy did that was because he's thinking that that would be the end and it won't ever happen again that's why i think he was a little unpatient but i do agree that that reason wasn't really valid but you know if i was in his position i might get a little unpatient too cause you know i like him i don't want that to be the end and besides eui joon said that they should have sex and end the entanglement so i don't know i would probably be a little bit unpatient too. I mean i don't know i don't have dick lol.

    kangarootoess April 14, 2021 8:49 am
    I understand, but you see i think the reason why ahjuicy did that was because he's thinking that that would be the end and it won't ever happen again that's why i think he was a little unpatient but i do agree ... Buney

    But um, would you continue having sex with your partner being told multiple times that they're tired and their ass hurts? Y'all acting like he has a vagina,, ITS A SMALL TINY HOLE, IT'S GONNA HURT LIKE CRAZY, Eui Joon has a more than valid point to not have wanted sex at that time T^T and plus the fact that he has an eggplant down there is not helping either

    NachoNikki April 20, 2021 9:37 am
    But um, would you continue having sex with your partner being told multiple times that they're tired and their ass hurts? Y'all acting like he has a vagina,, ITS A SMALL TINY HOLE, IT'S GONNA HURT LIKE CRAZY, E... kangarootoess

    I agree, I was truly bothered by the interaction. Someone told me before that this is a work of fiction and it's not real. Basically to not take it so seriously lol but I find it interesting that a majority of BL content goes the toxic route when there's so many different ways to positively represent couples within lgbtq. I'm just saying, it would do good to have healthier representation between male characters than to constantly skirt around consent as if people don't know how to do it.

    NachoNikki April 20, 2021 10:00 am
    But um, would you continue having sex with your partner being told multiple times that they're tired and their ass hurts? Y'all acting like he has a vagina,, ITS A SMALL TINY HOLE, IT'S GONNA HURT LIKE CRAZY, E... kangarootoess

    And also Eui Joon, I feel for him immensely. Man is literally juggling alot. Hes out here dealing with bullshit from the men in his life lol and He's not only working and earning for his rent but for his brothers bills. Annd He's going to school on top of that. Maybe I'm projecting as I feel very close to this situation but I'ma just say it's alot to handle. And if he wants to go and have a friends with benefits, why the fudge not you know? But like when it gets taxing and more trouble than it's worth, it's just not worth it anymore. Since the beginning, Ahjussi was a break in Eui Joons life that actually allowed him to relax. Other than his friends, someone actually sat down and listened to his concerns, treated him with good food and gave him a good dicking of his life LOL although his body immediately regretted it, he did express it was just as good for him lol but the new car scene chapters were too questionable for me. I know no one is perfect but you can literally use any other plot device other than lack of clear consent to show that Ahjussi isn't perfect or that he's toxic at this point and has flaws BUT I'm predicting that the whole thing gets swept under the rug

    NachoNikki April 20, 2021 10:03 am
    But um, would you continue having sex with your partner being told multiple times that they're tired and their ass hurts? Y'all acting like he has a vagina,, ITS A SMALL TINY HOLE, IT'S GONNA HURT LIKE CRAZY, E... kangarootoess

    NachoNikki April 20, 2021 10:04 am
    But um, would you continue having sex with your partner being told multiple times that they're tired and their ass hurts? Y'all acting like he has a vagina,, ITS A SMALL TINY HOLE, IT'S GONNA HURT LIKE CRAZY, E... kangarootoess

    from the flow of the story, it doesn't look like the author feels there's anything wrong with the interaction and most likely won't feel the need to address it at all. The author will probably choose Eui Joon to not be bothered(too much) since he supposedly had a good dicking (regardless of how improbable the shape and size to go into a man of his stature). Because what can you expect from a mafia member? Almost feels convenient (no pun intended). But like I said, you can use any other plot device to show that someone's not perfect or make mistakes than using ideas of rape or lack of clear consent if you're not even gonna address it properly. Sorry lol I have too much to say hahahaha

    Buney April 20, 2021 11:48 am

    Oh ok um sorry Σ(っ°Д °;)っ for having a different opinion.

    NachoNikki April 20, 2021 12:02 pm
    Oh ok um sorry Σ(っ°Д °;)っ for having a different opinion. Buney

    You don't have to be sorry for having a different opinion lol I'm pretty sure that's not the intention, and I was responding to kangarootoess post, I wasn't saying anything about what you wrote so I guess don't mind/worry. And I don't want you to think im talking AT you but WITH you lol. I just have alot to say about this lol