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ʜᴍᴍᴍ. . . April 13, 2021 4:24 am

alright....somebody feed me spoilers

    kirishimahoe April 13, 2021 4:31 am

    lot of a smut, sex and threesome occured many times yeah the plot is there but not really srs i guess lol but what important is there will be threesome A LOT and the angel seme very protective about uke yay idk what they all
    thinking hahaha i just skimmed and i dont understand korean so i cant tell what the story is all about

    sawarasenai April 13, 2021 6:04 am
    lot of a smut, sex and threesome occured many times yeah the plot is there but not really srs i guess lol but what important is there will be threesome A LOT and the angel seme very protective about uke yay idk... kirishimahoe


    ʜᴍᴍᴍ. . . April 13, 2021 6:56 am
    lot of a smut, sex and threesome occured many times yeah the plot is there but not really srs i guess lol but what important is there will be threesome A LOT and the angel seme very protective about uke yay idk... kirishimahoe

    Ohh okay, thx for telling me!!! ^^

    notyouraveragegirl April 13, 2021 11:04 am

    Lots of smut (yes and in a fun way), BUT you also have this guy Princess who has been with the uke during his trauma and seen him through to the other side. You have to really pay attention to his relationship with Princess because it's much deeper than just sex, but yeah, they have that too. He already referred to him as "MY YUL" to Seoha marking his territory, refusing to tell Yul about the break up with the gf. lol

    Princess is just a fun character. I find him very appealing, so I am a bit biased. lol I know he's an ass too, but there's this endearing side to him, and when you find out he stood by Yul when he had no one, his appealing factor just shoots through the roof. I hope at some point the author gives us a real background on they started because I'm so curious about their complicated relationship.

    I think the reason Princess and Yul aren't together is because Princess won't commit to a real relationship for whatever reason, but no one has come in between them, and when he feels threatened, he starts to realize how much Yul means to him and acts hilariously possessive at times (loud AF about it towards Seoha). He also engages in threesomes to show Seoha just how much Yul wants Princess. Their sex is very dominating type of sex, but they also kiss, and when Princess kisses Yul, you see the love there at least from my POV.

    Plus, they sleep in the same bed if Yul is upset which is what probably led to their sexual relationship in the first place. They're kind of addicted to each other, and frankly, I am addicted to them. lol

    Then, the Seoha factor, well, that's the sticky part because his older brother went to school with Yul (uke), and Yul had a crush on him. Their mutual friend fell for Yul and seduced him when he was pining away for the brother (Yul naively confided in him about it thinking it wasn't going to backfire), and when he knew he didn't have Yul's heart all the way, he told the other brother that he was gay. The older brother beat the crap out of Yul who overheard the convo (horribly painful trauma for him) and confronted them.

    I STILL do NOT understand why Seoha has no clue about Yul ahead of time as well. If he was so close to his older brother, why doesn't Seoha know him or the Yul know Sehoa? They allegedly were very close in school, and the brother even referred to him as "cute" if I'm not mistaken, but once he found out he was gay, he was disgusted because the mutual friend said Yul was just trying to seduce the older brother. I guess it was just a relationship that was more of school thing and not as serious to the older brother as it was to Yul.

    Anyways, Yul is scared of the fact that he is related to the older brother and finds ways to push him away constantly, and when he does that Princess, of course, steps in and cares for Yul again. Now at one point, I almost swear they finally decide to commit to each other, but Seoha pulls back in Yul again which upsets Princess who says screw it, we're having another threesome (dead serious). He interrupts him with Seoha, and it was so hot because Yul is staring at him like he wants him while Seoha is going to town on him, so Yul and Princess have this relationship where they both don't want to commit fully to each other but can't stay away from each other at the same time.

    Anyways, Princess forces this to a threesome activity, and the eye sex with Yul and Princess is chef's KISS HOT that starts the whole thing! Yul innocently peers at him, Princess stares back shocked, and then, they're just staring at each other hungrily as Princess is eating the food Yul prepared for Seoha. LITERALLY, one of the best set of panels for me because it just shows even when Seoha is having sex with Yul, he still can't stay away from Princess which I think is giving us insight that his relationship with Princess is deeper than just sex, but that's just me.

    Also, Princess INITIALLY is pissed eating this food REFUSING to leave, and then, once he realizes he has Yul's attention, he sneaks peeks at him as Seoha keeps wondering WTF is going on with them. lol Princess is trying to hide the fact he's f*cking Yul with his eyes too which is even more hilarious. He tries really hard to keep it up, but Seoha realizes what they're doing and yanks Yul away from Princess' gaze. lol Then, Princess runs over to seduce Yul. lol

    After this threesome happens is when Princess finally confronts Seoha and lets him know, a, Yul is not sleeping because he's so conflicted about the Seoha and brother situation, and b, have your fun for now because he'll be mine again soon enough. Like a boss he doesn't hold back on how he feels, and he basically says Seoha is selfish for bringing up trauma that Yul had finally moved past. Seoha does feel guilty in that moment, but as far as I see, he doesn't give up on Yul, but it seems he may at some point after that give Yul some space (which I am still confused about).

    Yul has a nightmare again about the past and goes to sleep with Princess who wants to do more than just sleep at one point. lol It's actually cute how he is holding Yul until it goes there. lol Yul actually rejects Princess at first, but then, when Princess is about leave, he pulls him back in again. lol There was his point to refuse Princess and choose Seoha for good, but he can't do it, and when they sort of commit to each other, I see Yul has deeper feelings for Princess, so there's another complicated element.

    Also, Seoha is very surprising in that he won't give up Yul either, and he even beats up his own brother when he dares to try to hurt Yul earlier in the story. They have a complicated past as well where the older brother was jealous of Seoha and tried to hurt him allegedly (THIS is from Seoha's POV), and then, when Seoha ended up hurt, the older brother felt bad, and they got close after that. So there's that factor of two brothers and coming in between them, and also, Yul was outed for being gay, so his family abandoned him which is why Princess is so important to him because he is the one constant in his life.

    That mutual friend from earlier who created the whole trauma this punk ass bitch shows up again and has been basically stalking Yul trying to get in touch with him since that incident occurred as if he could fix it. WHEN he shows up, Yul ignores him until he tells Yul he is dating the older brother (now that I'm not totally 100% on because of translation because I am just using a translation device and my own brain to decipher most of this), and he basically threatens Yul, so Yul agrees to meet him and beats the crap out of him when he can no longer take the abuse (so happy about that even though I'm not a fan of violence).

    Princess just realized this bitch is back in his life, and he already harassed him and told him to get lost (swoons), and Seoha who sees Yul as sweet and innocent even after all of the sex and threesomes, well, he sees Yul beating up that mutual friend. The latest chapter has Seoha comforting him. lol Basically, that is where we are right now.

    Also, when Yul is asleep in his room earlier in the story, someone keeps popping in, and at first I thought it was Princess, but now I REALLY think it's freaking Seoha, and I don't know how to react to it. I thought it was sweet, but now I'm wondering if Seoha isn't just a little on the crazy side. lol Maybe the gf meant that he is super possessive and a little insane as to how sneaky he is about it. The way Seoha talked about the break-up with the girlfriend, it sounded like it was HER decision. He comes off very clingy to me especially if I'm right that he is sneaking into Yul's room, and at one point, Yul dreams that Seoha has sex with him, and I WONDER if that's even a freaking dream after seeing him pop up so quickly out of nowhere this past chapter.

    As far as Seoha and Yul's relationship, what may draw people to it is that Seoha is very loving but also sexy at times, but MOST of their relationship is based around sex. They rarely talk but just make out or all over each other. lol Still, he comforts him in a very sweet way, and I see genuine feelings there.

    That is WHY I said this is a great triangle because Yul has chemistry with both semes. You see why he could or could NOT work with either one of them. BOTH semes are ridiculously possessive of Yul and refuse to give up on him, and it's not clear who will end up with him.

    kirishimahoe April 13, 2021 3:07 pm
    Lots of smut (yes and in a fun way), BUT you also have this guy Princess who has been with the uke during his trauma and seen him through to the other side. You have to really pay attention to his relationship... notyouraveragegirl

    Wow grateful for this explanation thankyouu so muchhh dont worry im also on pricess side omg i hope he will end up with princess

    ʜᴍᴍᴍ. . . April 14, 2021 12:10 am
    Lots of smut (yes and in a fun way), BUT you also have this guy Princess who has been with the uke during his trauma and seen him through to the other side. You have to really pay attention to his relationship... notyouraveragegirl

    Holy hell this is going to be a fucking rollercoaster ride :0 you’re so awesome for giving us this explanation and update, very much appreciated!!! I’m rooting for Princess btw

    notyouraveragegirl April 14, 2021 12:33 am
    Holy hell this is going to be a fucking rollercoaster ride :0 you’re so awesome for giving us this explanation and update, very much appreciated!!! I’m rooting for Princess btw ʜᴍᴍᴍ. . .

    No problem. I've been waiting for the translation for a while now. lol I was so into it that I literally was looking at the raws for an entire week taking notes to push it along by explaining the story in here and begging on SM for Lezhin to pick it up since they already had the author's other manwha which I have yet to read (the cover though reminds me of Princess and Yul which is good for us).

    There are certain pieces of dialogue that I couldn't fully get especially when Yul and Princess start to discuss their relationship (sighs), and I am gonna be so happy once we get that translated fully. I did get a lot considering my amateur translation status though, but those convos are important.

    Yes, it's gonna be up and down especially considering we don't know the final outcome because Yul is weak to both guys it seems. lol I try not to get too emotionally involved because I don't dislike either seme TBH. It helps that it's also funny on top of being dramatic and sexy.

    I think a lot of people are Team Princess TBH. I mean that's a pretty big obstacle with the older brother element. Once you look past the snark and petty BS, there's such a great relationship with Princess IMHO. Once he admits he wants to commit and stop messing around, I think Yul will be his. Yul just doesn't want to be used again and give his heart fully to anyone until he has a real commitment because of how he was treated in the past. I can't fault him for that because the abuse he suffered and continues to suffer at those punks is awful. I fear that brother is going to come back again soon too when idiot whines he got his ass kicked by Yul! lol

    Dolcezza April 14, 2021 12:56 am
    Lots of smut (yes and in a fun way), BUT you also have this guy Princess who has been with the uke during his trauma and seen him through to the other side. You have to really pay attention to his relationship... notyouraveragegirl

    Wow thank you. And I too, really like Princess. Hope if there'll be an one endgame, hope it's gonna be Princess.