Pedophilia is someone of a specific age range meaning they are already an older age that is attracted to a little kid. Someone being mentally older than what they are is pedophilia now. so that means someone 17 that is mentally a 25 year old dating another 17 year old means it's pedophilia then. Now if she was recarnated as a 25 year old in this world and was falling for him who is 5 then yes that is pedophilia.

Basically what you're saying is because she remembers her past life which is not the current life she is living it's automatically pedophilia. so every book where they died and are reincarnated back as a child is pedophilia just because they remember their past life so taking stories where the person was 25 but there were reincarnated as a younger version of themselves and they fall in love with someone that age that's pedophilia as well just because she remembers when she was emphasizing on was 25 doesn't mean is pedophilia cuz she's not a twenty-five-year-old now trying to get with him who is 5 years old she is a 5 year old and it does matter that her body changed cuz she's not in the body of a 25 year old she's in the body of a five-year-old child I'm not defending pedophilia you're the one that's automatically trying to make this into pedophilia cuz the only example of pedophilia would be if she was an adult in this world that's trying to hit on five-year-old but no she was a baby she was reborn technically which means she's growing up again and if that's pedophilia then every time someone is with someone who is acting more mature than what they are it is now pedophilia that's what you're saying what you're saying is because she used to be a twenty-five-year-old every action now that she does as a kid a reincarnated kid is pedophilia every single thing meaning her making friends in this world is pedophilia her caring for someone in this world is pedophilia just because she's used to be a 25 year old and everybody around her is young and her current age group. And honestly doesn't make sense how you can just throw this word around like this is what the story is aiming for.

Not her making friends her literally falling in love with a child is pedophilia. She is 25, the child is 5, she is a pedophile. This is kinda pathetic how you’ve chosen this hill to die on, like come on you don’t have anything better to do other then defend pedophilia? It doesn’t matter about any fantasy topics take away all of that. This is a 25 year old falling in love with a five year old. She is 25, he is five. Seriously man you need help

I'ma say this again the only possible way for it to be pedophilia is if she was reborn in the body of a 25 year old so what you're saying if you was reincarnated without her memories it wouldn't be pedophilia because she doesn't remember that she used to once again I'm going to emphasize strongly on used to cuz you seem to be ignoring all my points and basically saying I'm just defending pedophilia you haven't responded to none of them you've ignored every single one of them and you haven't even made a valid point you keep saying the same thing as if it's going to make it right if you keep repeating it your argument is that she's literally sarcastically saying that 25 no she died at 25 because as we know it most of these stories there's no way for her to get back to where she was so she had to die in our old world and she came back and we're getting a second chance of life reborn in a new world as a baby who is growing up with memories of her past life so if you remembering your past life makes you a pedophile automatically that means if you remember your childhood you're a pedophile now if you date someone your own age her having her memories AB when she used to be 25 does not mean it's pedophilia you clearly doesn't know what pedophilia is and wants to throw the world around left and right is in the wrong cuz I made valid points left and right yet you say the same thing like a broken record

Listen you aren’t going to change my mind. It’s pedophilia if you like it or not. Let’s agree to disagree? I think it’s pedophilia, you think it isn’t, I think your a creep for thinking it isn’t and it’s making me grossed out to interact with you so that’s why I’m responding in such short paragraphs. You literally gross me out, have fun defending pedophilia. If you respond again I’m just gonna ignore it because I don’t want to spend my time talking with someone who supports pedophilia.

You can ignore me I don't really care if I can't change your mind cuz clearly you don't know what that word means and you're throwing it around like you do I must say it one last time it's not pedophilia for you didn't even jump to pedophilia when seeing that means there's something wrong with your mind she is a a five-year-old with her memories when she was 25 that'll never be pedophilia Point blank. Ignore all you want you're just upset and can't admit you're you're wrong

Pedophilia is an adult sexual attraction to a little kid or minor what you wouldn't do that cuz you assume because she has her memories emphasizing on memories of when she was 25 makes it kind of feels so if you died today any age and you're reincarnated as a baby you're not allowed to date at all in this new world is no matter what you do it's always going to be looked at it's going to be late cuz you're technically older than everybody there which is a stupid logic on your part but since you're going to miss the wrong it's okay ignore me clearly you can come up with any defense or anything so you chose to tuck your tail and run away

1 I'm not defending pedophilia cuz the author is only alluding to her potentially liking him 2 it's not pedophilia she has to act on these emotions and you can clearly tell she's not she's doing what she needs to do to help him and also to ensure she doesn't do anything dangerous to hurt the people around her you're the one who clearly making the story out to be something it's not and then throwing out the word pedophilia like that's what it's about and then blaming other people who tell you you're wrong as defending pedophilia you see something wrong in something that's not wrong 3 she hasn't done anything to purposely attract his attention or grew him into liking her this is not a power complex you clearly don't know what pedophilia is if you think this is pedophilia put at the end of the day if they do which they most likely our get together when they're older 18 they're both legal so it doesn't matter I just don't get why you're so prone to making this out to be pedophilia when there's nothing remotely close to pedophilia happy name in the situation her feeling something is not the same thing as her feeling something acting on it and making sure he falls in love with her she's doing what she needs to do so she does destroy the freaking world I'm defending pedophilia because I don't believe it's right call a story of a girl who most likely died in her old world and was given a new life in this world and is doing everything she couldn't do in our old world pedophilia but I'm in trouble because I'm not going to change your mind you don't know what the word means but you're going to throw it around anyways and you still can't provide any evidence showing how it's pedophilia but it's okay do you

You are typing paragraph after paragraph for what... because you like a manga defending pedophila and it was called out. I can’t provide “evidence” because the evidence is the manga. It’s also literally common sense. Again I’m done with this I’m not arguing with someone who supports pedophiles and probably is one. Go outside and touch some grass. Like it or not it’s a 25 year old liking a 5 year old if you take away all the fantasy elements. I don’t understand how you can type 4 paragraph long comments about this because it makes you look like a creep even more, not to mention how do you have the time to write such long comments about how you aren’t a pedophile? Do you not have a life outside of reading manhwas supporting and suggesting pedophilia? Oh wait you do and i it’s probably getting off to child porn. Step back and look at what you are doing. You’ve spent the vast four days writing walls of text about how a character isn’t a pedophile. That’s honestly pathetic. I hope you get help and get a life one day. Have a nice day creep!
She’s 25 he’s 5 that’s literal pedophilia