Continuation of the spoilers:
After they escape (Navier and Hanley)
In the western empire (yes empire I will explain this later) everyone was at the beginning hostile towards Navier but they weren’t openly rude like Trashta. This is because Hanley had a brother who was the former king, who was married and this women was still working as a queen, which is normal since Hanley was not married yet and there was no heir at the moment. When Navier arrived, the faction of the former queen (her name is Crista/Krista) were obviously against her but no one could do anything since Hanley chose her personally. This was nothing for Navier like she was not a queen she was the motherfuking empress so this was like child play for her. But here is the plot twist, Crista is actually in love with Hanley and even when she was married to the brother. But no biggie, Hanley has no interest in her, he truly loves Navier. Anyways time goes by and Navier will have amazing maids and an amazing escort. Cristal in the other hand, she is not really aggressive towards Navier, in fact she never truly insults Navier or any of that kind. Personally I believe this is because she knows how strong Navier is so there is not big problem for this.

Continuation of the spoilers:
Before and after the wedding between Trashta and Shovieshit
So trashta is still trashta; annoying, no sense of responsibility and really stupid but well thats how she is. Before the wedding she is trying on some dresses and she felt the need to surpass the Navier in everything so she decided to make a dress much more glamorous and the dress was HORRENDOUS even Sovieshit when he saw it told her the dress was horrible and she should change it. At this point soviehsit had no interest in trashta he was just being nice and polite. Also, during this time before the wedding Sovieshit finds out that Navier heard him when he told traits about the divorce and the whole deal so he decides to write her a letter in which he explained what was the real plan, which was 1) marry trashta for a 1 year so the baby wouldn’t be illegitimate 2) divorce trashta aaaand reamarry Navier again 3) both of them would be parents of the baby. When Navier read the letter she was now even way much more angrier than before so she didnt answer the letter so sovieshit expecting her to answer him, realizes she had no interest anymore he got really depressed but they tease of hiss arrogance he thought Navier didn't believe him so he just said to himself “im going to keep trying to have her back” (idiot). Anyways, Sovieshit invites both Navier and Hanley to the wedding (is so stupid because he did this so he could see Navier). In the wedding ceremony he didn't paid any attention to trashta he was much more into seeing Navier reaction but she and Hanley were in their own world. Oh and Trashta dress was so horrible everyone laughed in the ceremony. In this wedding Trashta announced some sort fo royal project? And claimed it as if she did it herself which no, Navier left money and some documents so Trashta would continue it because Navier truly loves her the eastern empire and she was scared trashta was going to ruined it lol so in a moment Navier asks trashta to dance so Navier explains her the project and what trashta should and shouldn’t do but guess what, this bithc traits threw herslef to the floor and said that the empress hurt her (yes she said empress like even trashta still considers navies as the empress) Sovieshit didnt believe her, he just said why would Navier would want to hurt her now? So yeah sovieshit doesn’t believe in trashta anymore. After the wedding trashta really starts to go crazy, she begins to act like Navier and everyone Is just there like ? Because its weird. Anyways no one treats trashta as the empress, when people say empress they all think of Navier even sovieshit. In fact, Trashta decides to host a tea party with the nobles and it was a disaster like no one wanted to be there and left early. Trash had no power whatsoever and Sovieshit only spend the with her because of the unborn baby, he would just go, make sure the baby in her belly was fine then leave. Oh I almost forgot, Trashta will start to go crazy for power and even will start to threat people in the castle to kill them so Sovieshit at this point tells the people in the castle that if there was another incident in where trashta would trough a tantrum and decided on killing a maid he had to know so in other words trashta has no power.

Before and after Navier and Hanley wedding
Before the wedding a lot of Naviers friend come over to the wester empire because they are loyal to her and they truly love her. In fact, the knights (whcih I cant remember their names but the captain was the one involved in the trashta scheme of the infidelity between the former duchess) swore their loyalty TO NAVIER IN THE WESTERN EMPIRE. Because of this everyone realizes how much power she holds (godess). Anywyas, Hanley decides to invite sovieshit to the wedding (hanley is a bully lol) so both of them come to the wedding. In the ceremony the enter together and everyone was aw when te looked at them since there was a rumor that hanley and Navier had a really good relationship (not a rumor tho it is true) but hanley stops and says that he has something to say, in that moment trashta looks at Navier making fun of her because it seems hanley wanted to interrupt the wedding pero no mi ciela (but no my dear). Hanley was in fact annoying that the western reign was becoming and empire which makes Hanley and Navier emperor and empress. Before trastha felt that she was much stronger than the Navier because she was empress and Navier queen but nuh uh bitch she was empress before and now empress again. So yeah Sovieshit was sad throught the whole ceremony and became pale with this news. The ceremony was nice and after that they had their first night together and they did the goood. While Navier and Hanley were in this, sovieshit was drunk like heavy drunk and he starts to hallucinate and he sees Navier and in the hallucination she was with him and stuff but she left him so he went crazy drunk and start yelling for her and began to look for her (crying btw) and guess who saw all of this, yup trashta did and this is were she starts to realize that she definitely has no power as an empress neither as a lover. After this, Sovieshit will talk to Navier and in fact he is tells her how people makes mistakes and his biggest mistake was taking a decision without talking to her and that his arrogance destroyed what they had, then he had the audacity to tell her that he loves her. This hurt Navier and she cries but mostly of anger cause this man sovieshit took her throne and her homeland away from her so she didn't accept that love thing. After the wedding Cristal kind of framed Hanley as if they were alone together and did some naughty shit but no worries again Navier is smart af and hanley as well so they gathered witnesses and Cristal and her brother (yes the brother was the most hostile towards Navier and he was annoying af) were humiliated in court so she was vanished to a town. Later on she commits suicide (chile anyways). Uh yeah Hanley and Navier spend most of their time together and they spend a lot of their time intimate.

Trashta giving birth
In the last months of Rashta being pregnant she really starts to go crazy for power and she even starts to have an affair with the duke. Sovieshit knows this but he really doesn’t care any longer for her, as long as the baby is ok. In fact Sovieshit begins to plan how to divorce Rashta after she gives birth and he just calls her to tell her to scold her because homegirl really be doing shit. Like she host another tea party and only invited men and tried to seduce them???? Like what the hell she is the empress now but Chile this was known and well she has no good reputation. In fact there is this journalist who hates her and starts to revel everything. Remember the project and the money left and how rasta claim it was hers? Well he reveal it was not. The journalist also wrote how some men claimed to be her dad so now everyone starts to realized that the couple who adopted her are not her real parents. A lot of things start to be revealed so no one likes her and she starts to go crazy. After she gives birth, the baby born is a girl and sovieshit loves her daughter he even says how he lost the women he loves (navier) for her daughter. Let me say this, shoviehsit is a horrible man but as a father? amazing. He didn’t care the baby was a girl and eh cherished her, in fact there was a crib In his office so he would work and have the baby near him. While Rashta was really going crazy, in fact she was holding the baby and she throw the baby?! And there was this maid who was always with her so she grabbed the baby and she knew that trashta was no longer sane and she could be killed (trashta was killing everyone) so she grabbed the baby and ran to sovieshit and trashta was running after her it was so crazy lol. Sovieshit gets to know this and he prohibits trashta to see the baby and the maid becomes the nanny of the baby. Sovieshit still loves Navier like a lot and he goes to a store and finds this painting of Navier and him in a picnic in where Navier is sitting and he was resting his head on her lap, Navier was looking somewhere else and he was looking at her so he bought the painting and put it in his own room. He even asked the painter to change the direction of Navier eyes to look at him (he really si obsessed). He would constantly look at the painting and he even put the portrait of his daughter next the painting of Navier and him, in fact trashta sees this becase she went to look for him and when sovieshit finds trashta there looking at the paiting he couldn’t care less lol he was like what you want?

Navier pregnancy
It was actually during the time that Rashta baby was born that Navier finds out she is pregnant. Let me clear something, Navier was probably infertile we will never know but in the bed were she did the good with daddy Heinley lol its actually a bed with mana so if she was infertile the bed cure her or maybe she wasn't that's something that its never really stated (at the moment I haven't finished reading). So yeah she is pregnant and Hanley is so happy. Its during this time that Navier also figures out that she loves hanley too but she hasn’t told him anything. When the news arrived to sovieshit he really almost faint lol in fact he just realizes all his mistakes and he even says something like “if Navier was not infertile, what was the point of the divorce?” And then he looked at his daughter and says “am I the infertile one?”. When trashta finds out she goes even crazier than before. Trashta has an inferiority complex with Navier so at first she thought she had more than her, the love of the emperor, pregnancy and the title fo empress but now she has none, sovieshit doesn’t love her, she couldn’t have her own daughter and no one respected her. Now Navier is empress again, married again and pregnant. Anywyas, even though sovieshit starts to suspect that maybe he is the infertile one he still takes care of his daughter (not much as before but he does more than any other emperor). He send Navier a gift for her pregnancy which was a very rare jewel but she didnt accepted didnt want to accept it so she tells Hanley about it and its very funny cause he was like “you dont want it?… so can I have it” like he couldn’t care less that it was a gift from her ex he just wanted the jewel lol. Anyways um Navier throws like a baby shower I guess and trashta came (bitch) and gives her the dagger Navier once gave her for trashta pregnancy so our godess Navier tells her “thanks for giving it back” like a way to tell her the dagger never belonged to her looool. Anyways Trashta tries to seduce hanley? Like she tells him how rude he was with her and how he never wanted to become friends with her (basically a pick me girl) and hanley is like bitch get out but he tells like “i was not interested never, I was always interested in something else” (navier) so trashta realizes she loses again.

yes... it is actually Hanley and the duke friend of his fault. They want to make the eastern empire lose power so they are the cause of the lost of magicians. Later on navier finds out this but she and Hanley talk about it and Navier just tells him that she does not want to go to war and Hanley accepts it for her and her family.
¡¡¡SPOILERS!!!! like really this are some bigass spoilers so read at your own discretion lol
After the divorce
Navier will ask permission to the pope to remarry and everyone was like huh? And thats when daddy Hanley comes. Before this, Navier actually spoke to the pope and told him she needed his help so the pope was like gosh this damn people but he blessed and gave Navier permission marry Hanley. This is important because as yall can see Navier was an amazing Empress and people respected her and value her hard word, In fact she was more popular than Sovieshit. Anyways after this Sovieshit will almost faint like no kidding he becomes pale and he has the audacity to say I DONT GIVE YOU PERMISSION and the pope was like huh? Homeboy I am the AUTHORITY in this situations so you have no saying to this. Hanley would leave the big salon and of course Trashta and her big ass mouth went to Sovieshit and tell him that Navier had an affair with Hanley (which we all know is not true) and this bitch Trashta had the audacity to say that she never said anything because she “cared” for her Navier, she also admitted that the letters were never for her but for Navier. Which is funny cause because of this of what Trashta said, Sovieshit began to realized like why is Trashta is saying/doing this so he begins to question her more. Moving on, Hanley and Navier are now on her home with her parents, as we all may know Navier has a really good family relationship and her parents trust her no matter what so they were just surprised. Then out of nowhere Sovieshit appears in front of their house in the gate and starts yelling for her (embarrassing) so she comes out with Hanley and Sovieshit starts talking shit. He begins to say that why did she do it, that Hanley was not a good man for her bla bla bla and he even said she was his wife and thats when Navier cuts him and tells him “was” and he really got startled (i don’t know why like dude you have an annoying ass bitch what where you expecting Navier to do???) So then Sovieshit got mad and he put guards in front of their house and said that she was not allowed to leave the empire (loser). But no worries, we all know the duke who is always near Trashta right? The one who is Hanley friend? Well surprise he is a good guy and helps them to leave by putting them in a carriage so they were able to escape together. While they were escaping Sovieshit was trying to prevent Navier to remarry like he was already in cucu in this moment and began to search any document that wouldn’t allowed an empress to remarry he even had almost all of his subordinates searching for this but it was in vain cause she had already escaped; en boy when he realized that it was so funny he really was MAD. And of course Trahsta didn't understand anything.