The art is really nice, and the werewolf is super cute :3 But the vet creeps me out. The ...

█ █ █ █ April 12, 2021 10:48 pm

The art is really nice, and the werewolf is super cute :3
But the vet creeps me out. The way he thinks of (and treats) the werewolf guy as a dog just makes me really uncomfortable.

Like, I’ve read stories where they refer to puppy/cat like people that way as a cute nickname, but because here they barely know each other and the (werewolf/still human) guy doesn’t like being referred to like that but the vet continues + his attraction to dog like characteristics (and people that aren’t just puppy like, but literally look like dogs) it just kinda rubs me the wrong way.

    yelena pls rail me April 13, 2021 11:35 pm

    same like it’s a fetish at this point it makes me a little uncomfortable but i love the art style and the werewolf guy so yea ^-^;;