Park tes-seung, from legs that don't work, right?
Don't you think it was weird how the writer suddenly changed his personality? I mean we already knew both his and the uke inner thoughts (big mistake writing chapters from Park POV) and then suddenly.... it felt like reading a whole new story and the original concept was suddenly scrapped.
This is starting to really annoy me, because being an artist is not the same a writer, and the majority of BL story suffer from bad writing or plot holes, because the author is a trained drawer (usually) but not a trained writer. It really shines when you read a book that is originally is a published novel (Symantic mistakes / walk on water) both the languages and story arcs flow smoothly, espcially WOW, like it's really amazing how the internal thoughts are explained. Also BL stories that are not the author first writing attempt and they actually know what they're writing like BJ Alex & Here you are.

yeah the POV makes sense, but the problem is that because of his POV in leg that don't work, we managed to know the character goals and thoughts and how he was feeling about the uke, at first confused and then wanting to draw him to him, but then all of the sudden it's "all planned" and he's possessive as f* and wants him as his private dog.... Dear author, that's not the same seme you wrote in the first arc... I'm 100% sure the author decided to change the plot midway, probably affected by the current releases which features similiar concept. .... everyone follows the trends. Damn it.
Man, that face Hwan made... To be honest it gave me creeps... Yeah the sex is hot and everything but what if he turns out to be a psyco like Park Tae-Seung?