any finished manhwa/manga rec? any genre is fine just give me a good one, n...
Unrequited love gl?
does anyone know that title where that knight thought that the maid was eas...
Dear all, I would like to read a beautiful story. Pure and inspiring. Fanta...
To people who read like rape x victim and having the process to go through ...
Need recommendations
What's the alternative name of "a hunter's stamina" or "with a hunter 10 ti...
Could someone help me find the story where this lady reincarnated as a evil stepmom. Except she isn’t evil and she was a teacher in her past life. Her name was Rosalind and it was the childe family? She had red hair and her step child was blond. They would poison him to build up resistance and he was low key evil too but played nice in front of her. It was discontinued I think but I can’t remember the title. Thanks a bunch in advance!