
Ami April 11, 2021 8:54 pm

If anyone wants spoilers cuz I see y'all dying (warning: my source is as I've said before the world's worst screenshots and it's in chinese which I'm rusty at, and some parts won't even load)......

I'M STILL GONNA BEAT PUNK ASS RED HEAD OF *COURSE* HE STARTS SHIT! OF COURSE HE DOES! He says things ambiguously on purpose like "we have a very *close* relationship" and then winks and is like "keep it a secret" and of course they don't. OF COURSE THEY DON'T! It becomes a huge scandal. Hamin, blessed boy, is super supportive in all this and is just trying to help Ryeojoon. Meanwhile redhead (bastard) thinks he's like...entitled to Ryeojoon. So when Ryeojoon doesn't want to talk to him (understandably) HE BASICALLY THREATENS HIM WITH THE KNOWLEDGE RYEOJOON IS WITH HAMIN. Which of course pisses Ryeojoon off.

All this time Ryeojoon is just stressing and stressing and stressing and...my baby...my boy...he is not okay. They get back to their comeback and first performance my boy FAINTS.

And that's a number of chapters off. So like. Buckle up everyone we are in for hell. It gets so much worse before it gets better. Brace yourselves. My spoilers don't even go through the recovery so like OOPS...
I do know redhead comes and tries to apologize realizing the impact he'd had ONLY AFTER IT LED HIM TO THIS POINT but ya know.

Oh and don't hate on the sister, afaik she's just as mad at her bro when he does it as we are.

Hyungwoo isn't homophobic though, I think he's afraid of love in general cuz he grew up in a loveless house that was cruel to him. It's why he was so insistent on being an idol. It's not that he's against it cuz they're gay, it's that I don't think he trusts in love to last. So he's afraid they'll fall apart like his parents. Poor dear. Doyun will save you.
(I know they do also end up together and guess who tops... >:3c



...it's Doyun BaBYYYY)

    Shortchescak April 11, 2021 9:10 pm

    (let's gooooo)

    Rawr April 11, 2021 9:34 pm

    I really really treasure you right now.
    Your thee best haha.
    Idk why but I'm not suprised but so excited about Doyun being top

    Ur average wierdo fujoshi April 11, 2021 9:40 pm

    Thank u soo much for the spoilers

    plinky25 April 11, 2021 11:30 pm

    Lmaooo I already knew red head would start shiz right when he appeared. Then people kept defending him saying he’s innocent :p

    wth April 12, 2021 12:18 am

    It's the topping from doyun for me

    Soohwa’s Gay Ass April 13, 2021 3:31 pm

    Wait do hamin and ryeojoon make up?

    Ami April 13, 2021 7:25 pm
    Wait do hamin and ryeojoon make up? Soohwa’s Gay Ass

    Gonna still do break for spoilers but:
    Yeah they do basically immediately upon this all getting out. I don't know much of the details of it cuz of the reasons I listed at top of my post but they definitely don't carry it out as other drama is happening. Hamin also doesn't ever seem to be like, "I told you so" - and Ryeojoon just seems to appreciate that Hamin clearly cares for him. (Hamin even takes him back to his family's house for a break. Love us a sweetheart). Hamin basically the GOAT moving forward, even if he beats himself up a lil when Ryeojoon faints, thinking he "wasn't attentive enough" to that aspect - like, Hamin, no. Stop. You are nothing but loving omg blame redhead for anything bad.

    Soohwa’s Gay Ass April 16, 2021 3:29 pm
    Gonna still do break for spoilers but:---------Yeah they do basically immediately upon this all getting out. I don't know much of the details of it cuz of the reasons I listed at top of my post but they definit... Ami

    Awwwww gotta love my boy hamin