I'd like to rant for just a sec

PanickedDoyoung April 11, 2021 3:56 pm

Okay first of all, how are they all so pretty?? Like, what the heck?! If I was isekaid, I would willingly go into any one of their bodies no joke.

Also, I was so fully prepared to hate the dad, like, ready to fight him if it so needed to be done; but I'm actually appreciating him now?? TF? Why does he have to be nice to her, he's shaking up my foundations! Like one comment below me said, "If bad, why DILF", and I've never related to anything more in my life.

On another note, our princess Ev(i)enrose (and can I just say that that's such a pretty name) got her own proper room! And it's named something fancy like "The Room Of Verdure" And you can't tell me that that room is not specifically for her. Those names are too similar to be a coincidence.

Also, I'm absolutely ready to b*tch slap those sisters. Especially Rosie. Why is she she annoying. Like, why? Why must she make me so angry at her? Seriously, even the 3rd princess isn't that bad. But I guess that's good character writing on the author's part, so kudos to them.

And jeez, Mikhael. Why are you so beautiful. Like, the dude's adorable with our princess, hates the other princesses, and he's just so sweet in general! Of course, we can't forget about silver-haired Sylvestian, but as fine as he his, Mikhael is still first :| I still love him though.

    Tumalina April 11, 2021 4:11 pm

    OMG ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Thank you so much to put into words what I was thinking about!