Yeh, I wish he had have but I understand why he didn't too. I've luckily never experienced something like that but I can imagine how scary and traumatic it would be to experience let alone tell someone. I'm honestly really sad that so many victims, similar to Makoto, think that they're in the wrong.
The difference in this manga is that Mimori literally takes a punch for the guy he was assaulted by AND he was found in a compromising position with that guy AGAIN by his boyfriend. In real life, that would have completely fucked over their relationship. This really wasn't realistic in how the SA was handled, so we can't really use real life logic to explain the characters' behavior. It was simply handled badly.
Honestly I get why people are mad he didn’t say anything but I know exactly why he isn’t. It’s not something you can just blurt out even to the one person you trust the most. Took me a year to tell my bf and through that time he thought I cheated. Guilt, shame, a feeling of needing to be punished. Anyways a good manga overall I’m lovin the art