
ShaneAintSane April 11, 2021 7:26 am

This is so unnecessarily dramatic and embarrassing that's it's not even fun to read anymore.. It's getting annoying and having ultra cheesy lines is making me hate it.. So many plot holes and underdeveloped characters and relationships.. I just hoped the author took the time to develop it more (T^T) but oh well, might as well finish it since I've come this far..

    popshickles_smichs April 11, 2021 7:28 am

    i mean its fine if you dont enjoy it. I had read some that i felt the same way and even thought i was almost to the end i had to drop cause i couldnt handle all of the weird and embarrassing scenarios so like you dont have to keep reading it but like i mean it is up to you

    LadyNot April 11, 2021 7:32 am

    I'm just waiting for the baby.

    cloudy April 11, 2021 8:11 am

    Yeah I agree, but I'm here too for the baby.
    There aren't many omegaverse with mpreg anyway so I can't be choosy xD