lol, You have every right to feel that way, that is ofc simply nothing but a biased opinion. but just like someone can like a story that involves things like murder, abuse, or even the most twisted gore stories without supporting any of these things. is the same way a person can like a story involving rape without agreeing with it at all. Just like in the real world there are people who roleplay rape, does that mean they agree with real rape, or even have the thought of committing it? no. just means they like the consensual roleplay. my point here is just like i said before, you as well as anyone else have no valid argument to bash someone for liking a story u don't. its simple :). i do respect your opinion thought. so no hate ˘◡˘
1. It's not what she's Saying, It's what she's doing.
I personally don't have an issue with thier notes, But I do think they should be put at the end of the story instead)
2. Interrupting the Flow Of the story
(people saying "Ignore it of you don't like it" act like everyone has the capability of Reading along like there's not Bold ass paragraphs practically shoved in thier faces)
3. Spoiling the story
Idc how much you've read along or how much this story repeats itself your job as a translator is to specifically translate yet she ruins the story by spoiling
4. Author Insults
Again I really don't care about her insulting the Story. But when You insult the author? Then it becomes an issue. Are you going to insult an artist who only draws Men? And or White People? Does that mean they are A racist and misogynist? No. It just means They draw men and Non POC people. It has nothing to do with thier personal beliefs and/or experiences. It also makes the translator seem extremely immature, but she's kind of helping the author in a sense cause noone wants to deal with free low quality translations with words shoved in thier faces so they just end up buying the story anyways
5. In a sense they kind of make people feel bad for likeing this story
Everyone has thier preference, you as a human have no right to judge anyone because your not innocent at all. I don't care how much you think you are..your not. Don't come on here and act.like a saint when your on an illegal site reading illegal translation...people can like the story of they please. They don't have to hate it just cause you do .
I also wanna stress that this story has made me Annoyed. All the characters are just idiots Haha. They have no sense of anything. Duna never learns And Abuses People mentally, physically, sexually. Minho is so caught up in his Dumbass pride that he refuses to let himself break out of, and it's obvious he knows duna doesn't give a shit about Him unless she's r*ping him. Haesol is So caught up with this "love" bullshit that he's slowly turning into duna 2.0, Duchi is Clueless and might like haesol and Gyerin seem to be the only one To make it out...for now..while Wookyung is probably plotting. I just wanna Slap some sense into all of them haha