
NanaNanncy April 10, 2021 11:46 pm

Idk if it just me but i think that its actually fine for cousins to actually be a couple. Even in some religion,cousins can get married cuz they are from different family even though they have the same grandparents sooo yea

    Fujoshi Dotti April 18, 2021 9:20 pm

    The problem is if they have children there is a large chance for birth defects depending on if there was a large amount of incest in the family. I’d say if you wanna have children but are attracted to your family member, use sperm donations or a surrogate mother to prevent inbreeding and hemophilia (can’t get blood clots to form if you get cut is the best way for me to explain it). If you don’t want kids, use contraceptives or you can always go sterile if you’re religion allows it and you’re comfortable with it.