i don't care about he's sad backstory, you can't just said, "omg i have a sad backstory so...

eren please step on me April 11, 2021 12:07 am

i don't care about he's sad backstory, you can't just said, "omg i have a sad backstory so imma do that shit to my daughter as well" like dafuq?damn i read the spoiler and some of yall novel reader tell us to relax,lmao i bet when you first read novel,you also hate him right?so us manhwa reader don't give a fuck about novel, we will just wait for another chapter and hate him until he have a good developement, but i will still hate him unless hes actually love Blanche and MC from the start, if no then this is just like The Abandoned Empress lmao

(sry for my bad english)

    cheese April 11, 2021 12:36 am

    i don’t think you can say sexual abuse and trauma is just a sad backstory, it’s completely reasonable why he would act that way. of course he hasn’t been a good father and he’s aware of that, but the 2 women that he’s been with have been bad. the first taped him and the second abused his child and was obsessed with him. i don’t know why people are saying he’s entirely bad when it’s not his fault that he acts this way, he was literally raped and forced to take care of a child he didn’t want. he’s not abusing his child either, but his trauma is obviously going to restrict how he views women.

    janet April 11, 2021 12:49 am
    i don’t think you can say sexual abuse and trauma is just a sad backstory, it’s completely reasonable why he would act that way. of course he hasn’t been a good father and he’s aware of that, but the 2 ... cheese


    eren please step on me April 11, 2021 3:18 am
    i don’t think you can say sexual abuse and trauma is just a sad backstory, it’s completely reasonable why he would act that way. of course he hasn’t been a good father and he’s aware of that, but the 2 ... cheese

    lmao i don't read novel so idk that,i only read the spoiler where they said that ML have sad backstory and that's it,now you spoil me...well thank for the spoiler i guess?