chp 28 spoilers

jansh April 10, 2021 7:44 pm

idk korean but i'll briefly explain what i think happened. PW(boss) threw away the pearls in order to make it look like DS ran away w/ them. He also told JH while he was sleeping that he "brought this upon himself" (im about to smack a bitch). JH woke up and asked where DS was but PW just brushed him off and told him to get dressed. He then made him go out to dinner with him where JH tried to confront him again but was just completely gaslit. There were also a few flashbacks scattered of PW and JH sleeping together as well as PW watching JH get abused, which I couldn't exactly understand, but probably indicated that PW has obsessive feelings over him. JH said he was going to the bathroom but was actually frantically trying to call DS who wasn't picking up and (hold me back) PW HAS A FUCKING TRACKER ON JH'S PHONE and got upset when he saw what JH was doing. He then thinks to himself that JH's relationship with DS is nothing real and that JH is simply pursuing it out of loneliness and that JH is just a boy toy. He then storms into the bathroom where JH is, straight up breaks his phone and tells him that he'll explain everything but to not even think about hearing about DS again.
I'm sorry if my summary is inaccurate, but I hope it conveyed how fucking pathetic and evil PW is. He absolutely deserves hell for what he's putting JH through. I mean I think he's already pretty disgusting and irredeemable, but if people continue to simp over him after chp 28 is translated then chile-

    sporsho April 10, 2021 8:28 pm

    There were scenes where they were fucking. That’s flashback right? If it’s present time, imma lose my mind

    Miss Sensual April 10, 2021 11:12 pm
    There were scenes where they were fucking. That’s flashback right? If it’s present time, imma lose my mind sporsho

    Yes it were flashbacks I hope he gets his own medicine! *gets Death Note*

    Miss Sensual April 10, 2021 11:32 pm

    Thank you for your summary. I was furious when I read/saw Korean version on LezhinComics. I really hope DS comes to the rescue and punch s** out of him! He deserves every single punishment! To be honest I have never understand some readers found him attractive

    Miss Sensual April 10, 2021 11:33 pm

    I have never understood*

    jansh April 10, 2021 11:45 pm
    There were scenes where they were fucking. That’s flashback right? If it’s present time, imma lose my mind sporsho

    yup they were flashbacks. it still breaks my heart but at least its not present time

    ThisSopeMomento April 10, 2021 11:47 pm
    Yes it were flashbacks I hope he gets his own medicine! *gets Death Note* Miss Sensual

    Pls pass me the pen.. Anyways y'all better hold me back cause I'm about to beat this bitch up.

    jansh April 10, 2021 11:49 pm
    Thank you for your summary. I was furious when I read/saw Korean version on LezhinComics. I really hope DS comes to the rescue and punch s** out of him! He deserves every single punishment! To be honest I have ... Miss Sensual

    AMEN BESTIE pw is pretty privilege at its finest. i'm just hoping that ds is okay and can avenge jh for all the shit the boss has pulled </3