Lol. It’s a similar thing that sometimes happens in „kids movies“. Like an adult joke to make parents laugh or make them slightly uncomfortable, while it goes over their kids head. Years later you „accidentally“ watch the same movie again and realize the subtle adult humor.
The scene between Eclis and Penelope was similar but not played for comedy. To reiterate, the crossbow serves as the „subtle“ phallic symbol in this situation. Penelope remarks why it’s so stiff and if it wasn’t used much before. Perfectly innocent until Eclis enters the scene and takes complete control over the situation by pressing against her and creating tension. He touches her while talking in her ear. „If you hold it like that you can’t control it“. He’s shushing in her ear while remarking to look forward or „her“ prey might run away. The image after that shows their feet almost aligning, insinuating how close he pushed her towards himself. The next image shows that she seems uncomfortable or out of her element with that little sweat drop and gulping.
He instructs her how to hold the crossbow and to pull it close to her chest, his hand uncomfortably close to her bosom. His other hand touches her hand, guiding the crossbow. He tells her to look at her target while we get a closeup of his eye being focused on her. Implying she’s his target. He instructs her to breathe and they both hit the bullseye. Hitting that target with an arrow implies „triumph“ which is akin to an orgasm. After that the tension evaporates with him stepping away and acting like nothing untoward just occurred.
Im probably a pervert but the whole scene with Eclis was sexualized as hell. And I have to say I’ve been missing „mature“ content like that in what’s mostly seen as the „shoujo“ Genre. Most webtoons etc. with themes like in DITOEFTV just completely desexualize the characters. It’s always about noble love, and you would never get an inkling a ml is not just interested in the MC‘s character and bravery, but also desires the MC in a sexual fashion. So this scene was refreshing. I know many webtoons and such are sexualized but that’s mostly only to be found in smut works, where the main focus is sex. In a webtoon such as this where smut is not even on the radar, I didn’t expect such a subtle but overtly sexual flirtation scene (onesided). Can I just say I adore this work. It blends multiple genres perfectly together into a perfectly balanced out story. Many usually associate the „transmigration as villainess in a fantasy setting“ genre with tropes such as „easy resolutions, everyone adoring the villainess after acting differently one time and suddenly the past doesn’t matter, everyone just falling over the villainess for no reason, MC never questioning why the villainess was hated and not viewing the ml’s (and other people) with a more critical eye, the ml‘s are just perfect and nice even though in flashbacks of such stories we sometimes see the ml‘s behaving in a rather questionable manner towards the original villainess, bamf MC‘s who kick everybody’s rear end, everybody being in awe of such an MC immediately, and of course the Male love interests adoring the MC in an equally bland fashion and never making a subtle move, or it’s an out and out confession, which reeks of juvenility. Or in the rare oversexed transmigration genre, where the main focus is smut and getting to the point without any character development and build up, which again is juvenile for another reason.
This webtoon treats the reader as an adult, where we don’t get pointless smut, but it also doesn’t shy away from showing that these characters are grown people with adult desires.
I think I can comfortably come out and say that this is my favorite webtoon in general.