Cute Chapter.

Zarathustra April 10, 2021 1:18 pm

Except for the piss smelling hobo assassin at the end, this chapter was pretty sweet:
- Seungho taking Nakyum to eat at a restaurant like they were in a date.
- Nakyum didn't realize it but Seungho just confirmed that he knows about what Inhun said to him that day in the library.
- Seungho, always jealous, doesn't realize that Nakyum is practically confessing that he doesn't care for Inhun anymore and his feelings are for Seungho ' Now I cry for you, my Lord'.
- Nakyum's showing that he still doesn't believe Seungho's feelings are true, only a temporary attention that it will go away.
- Seungho watching over a drunk stubborn Nakyum, probably thinking what the readers are: how cute is this cinnamon bun.
- Nakyum revealing that he pays attention to Seungho as much as Seungho pays attention to him. He knows Seungho spends his nights alone, he knows he stays awake because he watches the lights ... he is curious about why Seungho doing alone instead of coming to him. He is trying to pry so hard ...
- Seungho may be in love but he is still very much guarded. He is deflecting Nakyum's question with flirting but we all know why he doesn't sleep well, how he is haunted by nightmares. Before he had his whores and orgies to distract him but now is either drinking or reading or drugs .... and why he is not reaching out to Nakyum?
- Seungho's flirty response to Nakyum may be half right too... is he waiting for Nakyum to come to him?
- Seungho teasing Nakyum and how Nakyum is so easy to get busted. The time that Seungho play with paint on his belly and what they did after is apparently something Nakyum still think about and the air of delight in Seungho's face when he realizes what Nakyum is talking about and how he kept this memory.
- Seungho probably still insecure about Inhun but he clearly looks happy too with Nakyum's reactions so let's hope he is getting the message that he is doing it the right way now to win over Nakyum's heart.

    Deedee April 14, 2021 10:27 am

    What a great summary of the chapter! Thanks for this :))