Noticed Something Interesting...

narutolvr March 23, 2016 9:06 am

After rereading this (insomnia + super boredom = rereading random manga lol) I realized that this author is somehow REALLY inconsistent with her heights! It was prevalent throughout the entire manga, like every scene with Ida standing next to Naru showed a really small height difference despite him being super tall but I kinda ignored it and convinced myself that maybe she was just really tall too lol.

BUT! This page literally had me rolling on the floor laughing!

How is Shinah, at 177cm taller than Naru at 191cm? ブハハハ (≧∇≦)人(≧∇≦) ブハハハ
If the author couldn't keep the heights relatively consistent, why bother going out of her way to define them lol?

    JayTheBirdFlyZ April 1, 2016 7:46 pm

    Maybe their height difference was because Shinah was closer in perspective? Anyway, I never pay attention to such detail, so it doesn't really matter to me.

    Apple Pie May 9, 2016 8:02 pm

    I noticed the same thing. Funny, but it didn't really bother me

    narutolvr May 10, 2016 5:43 am
    I noticed the same thing. Funny, but it didn't really bother me @Apple Pie

    It didn't get to me much at first, but I've read a few of the author's works and they all do the same thing. It's one thing to just have inconsistent heights, but she spends a substantial amount of time telling us how tall X-kun and Y-chan are, but then just disregards it and draws them however she wants anyway. Like...why even bother then lol?