It's such a great explanation. However, I don't think the reason Masumi becomes abusive is because he doesn't understand why Tobita likes to be hurt. I think he's frustated because it seems like Tobita only sees him as someone who could satisfy his masochistic side, not as lover. Like how Tobita rejected his offer to pay the hotel and how he just left after hearing Masumi addressed him as his lover. That's why he became angry when Tobita asked Masumi to hurt him. Tobita felt his frustation with the way Masumi hurt him, but he misunderstand it thinking it's because Masumi didn't understand why he likes being hurt, and hurting him had become a burden. But he's wrong, because the reason Masumi's so frustated was wondering if Tobita could ever like him more than someone who satisfy his masochistic side, like I said before. That's why Masumi asked him that in the bathroom, and I think it made Tobita realized his feeling. That's why he asked Masumi what he want to do with him and like you said, relationship level up! Well, that's just my opinion though hahaaa

Thank you, writing my review of the latest chapters took forever and seeing how long it was I was bound to miss a lot of details since I was just meant to comment on their relationship developing not turn into a full meta... (-_-")
I thought that Tobita rejected Masumi paying for the hotel was because his previous lover was too controlling of him. He wanted Tobita to be dependant on him. So when Tobita explained that to Masumi I don't think he was offended since he as a college student understands the need to become independent from parents etc. That's why we saw an adorable scene where they would alternate who would pay.
On the relationship side of things I can totally see that. Don't believe this is the right way to make someone recognise their own feelings but, don't you think that after chp 5 - how Masumi was treating him so roughly. A way for Tobita to recognise his feelings for Masumi? Reason I said this was, after chp 4 Tobita asked him after hurting him he wanted to be praised? Like I said before he's never asked for that (to be treated nicely during a scene). So in chp 5 Masumi was just full of fake smiles hence the awkward atmosphere. Like 'if you want me be to be affectionate towards you (more than your aftercare) you/I need to know how you feel about me'
Ok I had to re-read these chapter a couple of times; this WILL be a long one.
It's been awhile since the last update so I re-read chapter 3 again, so let me start from there. In that Chapter Masumi (the dom) said that 'lately he's been pretty unlucky' and then off handedly mentions Tobita (the sub) not contacting him and then mentions Tobita ignoring him. To me that says that Tobita ignoring him affected him. So when Tobita calls him to say (my assumption) "Sorry for not contacting you for a while I caught a cold" Masumi immediately goes to Tobita's house with food. After seeing Masumi coming over to his place, Tobita assumes that he's there for booty call. Masumi counters by saying "I came over to take care of you because you were sick" at this point I took this as 'Relationship +15' Then during the scene where Masumi cuts Tobita's hair; Tobita says he's never known the birthday of the person he's dating. Masumi was taken aback and starts wondering if they're really dating. (that's so cute) When sexy time was happening he had to masturbate in front of Masumi, if you notice what Masumi was saying- Tobita didn't feel good doing it by himself. Not until he stared at MASUMI. Then when Masumi kissed him he CAME.
So the reason I pointed these out was because I saw these as proof of their feelings for each other developing. So in Chapter 4 Masumi points out that they're been hanging out more frequently after the book Tobita gave him. Then we get this delicious smut scene where Tobita says Masumi's name. When they have a scene play, saying Masumi's name means it's time to end the play-so his safe word. Masumi immediately covers Tobita with a blanket and says "You worked hard today" THEN we see a panel with Tobita blushing into the pillow saying thank you. Now whether Tobita is blushing from the extersion or from something else is totally up for discussion. BUT IS THAT A DEVELOPING PRAISE KINK I SEE?!
Ok now we get back to the aquarium tickets they got from the girls earlier, Tobita was somewhat hostile with them and even more so when they give the tickets to Masumi and mentioning the word 'girlfriend'. So when they're walking to a train station (?) Masumi says they should go, Tobita is very reluctant saying things like they don't have to go. THEN WHEN MASUMI says "They even talked to me or a girlfriend. It's like it was meant to be!" then a not-really-date is scheduled. Then their small talk leads to Masumi saying "Whenever I'm with you i have fun." then he says brushes it off by thinking "We do the worst things together" and the panel is emphasising on Tobita's wrist. Notice how he took his words back so I took this as him saying that It is fun to spend time with Tobita but not the BDSM aspects of it - he doesnt think it's fun abusing Tobita.
So it timeskips to the not-really-aquarium-date, when those girls approach Masumi and starts flirting with him. Tobita sees this and frowns "jealousy is strong in this one" walking away. He didn't hear Masumi say "i'm here with my lover". Masumi says "since we did something I wanted to do, tonight let's indulge your idea of fun." Keep reading this line until it make sense to you. KEEP READING IT.
So when they go out notice how cold Masumi is (but I'm not sure if he's into the role at that moment or he's mad from what Tobita implied when they left the aquarium). Usually Masumi is very attentive when they do it, but then and there he was cold. Then Masumi gets uncomfortable when he hears rustling/ how open it is and pulls away saying they shouldn't do it there. But Tobita persists and dogezas. This pretty much pisses Masumi off and he gets really rough. NOTE what Tobita says "I want you to do it... Hurt me. Then when you're done tell me I did well..." He's never asked for that before. In earlier chapters Masumi did point out that he's never been that hard before - when he inflicted pain to Tobita. But at this point Masumi is now tired of the 'abusive' dom he now hates doing this to Tobita.
Whew, Chapter 5, are you still with me? (if you are thanks)
It seems that Masumi has been really hard on him, the 'pain' play is getting more intense. He is frustrated because he doesn't understand why Tobita likes pain. I saw this as Masumi actually hurting Tobita now, he is giving pain but not in the pretense of pleasure but of frustration. This confirms that Masumi is starting to feel more for Tobita but (masumi) assumes Tobita doesn't feel the same (I know this sounds bad but bear with me). The atmosphere between them in this chapter is strained, their scenes can't be considered sexy anymore. Tobita knows it but tries to gloss over it until the bath scene.
This is development is important because we get to see what kind of person Tobita is. We also know that even he can understand what kind of pain feels good and what doesn't. So he suggest to they stop the 'play' because if it's not fun for Masumi too then there's no point. <- Bdsm just doesn't cater to one side- both the dom and sub have to enjoy what their doing.
Tobita is comfortable with Masumi inflicting pain on him because he is comfortable with him (and gets turned on the most by him). He is trying to get Masumi to understand his taste, but it's diffcult even to explain it - because he has no 'tragic past or reason' why he likes it, he just does. As Tobita expressess his thoughts they finally understand each other even just a little bit.
"What I want to know is... if it ever crossed your mind that maybe you like me for more than what we do (their bdsm relationship) when you want sex." So does Tobita like Masumi more outside their bdsm relationship. Tobita doesn't answer but DOESN'T DENY it. AFTER THAT BATH *HEAVENLY CHOIR* because I saw this as "Relationship LVL UP!" Hopefully that kiss means "I want to spoil you more than hurt you"