I'd argue that there is probably significant overlap between people who get upset about young/young looking people in sexual situations in art and CSA survivors. Speaking frankly, I am like that. I'm trying to not get in a tizzy about it as much because it is exhausting and an impossible fight to win on this site, but I understand the points being made and it does still bother me how prevalent it is in pop culture.
Anyway, it's not a good look to lay all the blame for "protecting" children from abuse at the feet of people who are not engaging in it and are likely children themselves. Bad comparison. I think it might help to further research and understand the mechanisms of abuse and trauma. It is unclear from your comment about cases as to whether you are a lawyer or a survivor, but in either case, understanding the patterns and variables that contribute to CSA is helpful to gaining compassion for clients and the self.
just a reminder that if you put half of the effort into protecting real children as you do into protecting cartoons, me and my childhood friends could win our CSA cases! but you don’t care about children. sorry i’m not a young looking adult hinata uwu