Feel like this is unpopular and I’m gonna get a lot of downvotes buuuut here you go

gogopowerranger April 9, 2021 9:55 pm

Okayyyy i won’t lie... disappointed and I might comment later with a rant explaining my disappointment when I’ve collected my thoughts. Just to put the things I’m most disappointed in really quick: after the time skip in an attempt to finish at 139 chapters, things felt rushed. Due to it feeling/being rushed I wasn’t able to connect to the new characters introduced, which meant I wasn’t able to connect to the story going on either. I also felt like pre-time skip characters were all forgotten about a little which made me sad (ESPECIALLY Historia). Anyway that’s my overall biggest points that led to me feeling disappointed.

    springbeann April 9, 2021 10:26 pm

    You're right. There were too many things happening in quick succession that left me confused. I can't say I hate the ending because I think it fits the story very well, but at the same time, the feelings I got from it didn't feel complete

    YaYaMae April 9, 2021 10:38 pm

    There were a lot of plot points prior to the time skip that were just kind of left on the back burner and then with the introduction of Marley, I felt like It was too much? Everyone had an agenda and then eren was just like “lol well if I kill myself with 80% of the people, the last of y’all can figure It out”