see, eren love mikasa, now stop shipping them with other character, and i hope eremika shi...

Ereh Yeagah April 9, 2021 1:38 pm

see, eren love mikasa, now stop shipping them with other character, and i hope eremika shipp will be at the top 5 and not erenlevi ...btw i don't hate yaoi shipper but it's kinda pissed me off the fact that erenlevi got top 5 popular ship and not eremika,so i hope eremika will get top 5 after this

    Micacello April 9, 2021 1:34 pm

    Exactly, I don't get these insane shippers who keep insisting delusions like Erehisu daddy eren shXt better keep it to urself than spread fake facts on social media

    umasou~ April 9, 2021 1:40 pm

    bruh ereri is such a fantasy ship, considering it even a threat is so sad. who cares if people ship ereri more than eremika or whatever, they will never be canon. people should focus on the fact that eremika is basically canon now. that fact alone trumps any chart imo.

    Queen69 April 9, 2021 2:01 pm

    Im an Eren x Levi shipper but i couldnt care less if theyre top 5 or on the lowest shipped theyre My ship
    I know it will never be cannon but i just ship it

    Weebymademoiselle April 9, 2021 2:05 pm

    OH MY GOD JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE. You cant stop them from shipping eren besides from mikasa. Abd why are you so angry over this? What are you? 12?

    Ereh Yeagah April 9, 2021 2:21 pm
    OH MY GOD JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE. You cant stop them from shipping eren besides from mikasa. Abd why are you so angry over this? What are you? 12? Weebymademoiselle

    nah don't care, this is my opinion, yall yaoi shipper can hate me and say shit to me, it's fun to see yall hate comment hsjhashajhshas

    tatiisok April 9, 2021 3:10 pm

    omg i hate erenlevi, epecially when eren is a child.. my personal top five ships are 1. sashaxniccolo
    2. mikasaxeren
    3. ymirxhistoria
    4. levixhange
    5. arminxannie

    Queen69 April 10, 2021 9:06 am
    nah don't care, this is my opinion, yall yaoi shipper can hate me and say shit to me, it's fun to see yall hate comment hsjhashajhshas Ereh Yeagah

    Thats what the other person was saying lol
    You dont have to tell us not to ship them cuz we have our own opinions and yall can also hate as much as yall want but tbh its not like theyre real life people no one gets hurt liking their ship so you shouldnt care whether or not others like Eren xLevi and for the other person honestly yeah when i started shipping ereri i thought the age gap was only 7 years but apparently its like 17 but i still love ereri and i mean like i said theyre just character's and no one should care who likes what if its not affecting them

    Ereh Yeagah April 10, 2021 10:09 am
    Thats what the other person was saying lolYou dont have to tell us not to ship them cuz we have our own opinions and yall can also hate as much as yall want but tbh its not like theyre real life people no one g... Queen69

    nahhh still don't care lmao still disgustang but okay that's your opinion not mine (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Queen69 April 11, 2021 7:41 am
    nahhh still don't care lmao still disgustang but okay that's your opinion not mine (▰˘◡˘▰) Ereh Yeagah

    Exactly boo MY opinion i could give less fucks whether or not you think its disgusting

    Weebymademoiselle April 11, 2021 9:12 am
    nahhh still don't care lmao still disgustang but okay that's your opinion not mine (▰˘◡˘▰) Ereh Yeagah

    You dont care but you keep on replying? Whatever you say, bud. Stay mad lol

    eren please step on me April 11, 2021 9:18 am
    You dont care but you keep on replying? Whatever you say, bud. Stay mad lol Weebymademoiselle

    If you mad, stay mad, we not alike ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Queen69 April 11, 2021 6:46 pm
    You dont care but you keep on replying? Whatever you say, bud. Stay mad lol Weebymademoiselle

    Youre doing the Exact same thing bud

    Queen69 April 11, 2021 6:48 pm
    Youre doing the Exact same thing bud Queen69

    Oop lol i replied to the wrong text srry