I personally heavily disagree. Although I did in fact read even though viewer discretion was advised it was awful to read. Rape adds NOTHING to a plot and for one makes the writer seem like an absolute maniac for including it out of absolutely nowhere.
Also allowing this kind of discussion about rape to continue by saying it’s just a a book or it isn’t real genuinely means nothing. It added nothing to the plot and didn’t need to be there.

Yup it adds nothing to it happens so many times in mangas that its just pissing me off at this point what happened to consent instead of constantly getting drunk ect.it kinda feels like they are trying so hard to put smut in it so they were liek well we can just use no consent he heh and pass it off as something else but oh well its 2021 and people still use rape as a plot....or as a way to get more smut....like dude.................................

It literally makes no sense to add it though. Rape should never be taken lightly regardless if it’s fiction. Like, I can understand if it is central to the story but bls have a tendency to have their characters act nonchalant about rape. Also, I’ve been seeing a shocking amount of bls include rape. This should literally bother you as well because if a lot of bls follow this formula then it means that they are undermining and fetishizing rape.

Dude(this is a gender neutral term btw)ever heard of a statement. I'm just acknowledging some problems which I think that are problems and typing them down.I don't see any problem with that. And obviously peopel do indeed tell the difference between fiction and rl no shit.So ur telling me that if there are problems in a certain community ectcetra it should be ignored nice to know.:)))))

ZzzzzZz .. y'all came here to reply damn ;_; this is really an apocalyptic world ..ppl can't enjoy things anymore!! I'm sad for you! One actually asking if we like 'rape'? -_- what the hell dude! You are really scary!!! D: D: go to investigation discovery! Wrong place! I hope none of you got "Killing Stalking" on your "Read" list.. istg!!

okay then lmaooo if u wanna use the "its just fiction" argument then lets go. fiction/stories have every right to be criticized lmao, flaws have every right to be pointed out. these people a critizing about how rape was useless and poorly done. This isnt just a matter of "omg wow u saw the warning and u still read it, ur big dumb!11! ur so sensitive why are ruining other's peeepoles fun?1 omG111!!
I just can't believe y'all are complaining about Polo being a rapist ... it's a freaking 2D character and it's a dog!!! Lmao!!! It sounds so stupid please??? Also there's a warning at the very beginning so if u read it anyway pls shut up! Stop ruining the fun everywhere.. it's just 2D guys fucking.. enjoy or just leave