The owner didn't force anything on him. It was his father who did it to him as a child. The owner saved him and gave him a choice. The owner is amazing *chef's kiss* Where I do understand he has a warped idea of sex... it does vary per person & he isn't doing anything he doesn't want. He's a very strong person.

Uhh...what do you expect him to do? Phi was already adjusted to thinking those things were not big deals and owner isn’t a shrink. He has his own ideals about what sex is (freedom, happiness, fun). So I think owner at least tried to change how he saw the act of sex rather than using It as a weapon against him

What are you even saying? Phi was already a prostitute. Owner didn’t do anything. And the chapter clearly said wherever they are is not a place friendly to the homeless. So you’re upset that owner took him in?? Because no where did It say that he told Phi to take on clients/work and that Phi had assumed that was what he needed to do since he was being taken care of...which is why I said his thinking was already warped. Owner did nothing wrong

Hello! I found some info about the translations that may help clear things up. There are some summaries online for these chapters, and in chapter 8 there's a part where Phi talks about how he took some clients to repay the owner and even tried to suck off the owner, and the owner stopped him and sat him down to have a talk. These summaries mention that the owner told Phi what a 13 year old can and can't do. In the Russian translation that we're using, this same part was translated as the owner explaining what is and isn't allowed in Shangri-La. I think a bit of it was lost in translation, but based on the summaries online, it can be assumed that the owner explained how sex and prostitution wasn't alright for a child like Phi. It doesn't explain exactly when Phi started working for the owner, but I'm assuming it was after he was grown up based on the owner's negative reaction to Phi trying to take clients and the translation that I mentioned. Again, no timeline is explicitly mentioned, but I hope this helps a little!
If someone could clarify - did the owner really turn Phi into a prostitute when he was just a child??? Surely that kind of abuse and psychological manipulation hasn't allowed Phi to heal from his traumas AT ALL and has just created this warped ideal of sex and how much he actually wants to be there, doing that job?