I know Phi 'likes' his job and his home so I feel bad wishing he and Apollo could become a...

victoria April 9, 2021 4:16 am

I know Phi 'likes' his job and his home so I feel bad wishing he and Apollo could become a couple. I currently don't see how - if they did get together - they'd work in that sense because Apollo values that one person and monogamy, but Phi doesn't see sex as that constricting and it feels like he's more poly? so I feel like they'll be experiencing a lot of hurt on both sides before they reach a healthy point in their (hopeful) relationship

    babu April 9, 2021 4:42 am

    right?? and Phi doesn't quite get that consent applies to the whole partnership not just sex. Multiple partners or one... you need to ask if they're okay with it.