Bunch of idiots.

OliverCrimson March 21, 2016 7:31 am

Okay, I will give my most unbiased review. I'm not really into blood, but when I first saw the first page and saw an anal gone wrong, I was about to STAHP. But I continued reading anyways, it was sweet at first, having both characters like each other but never could really say anything, but then, it's just so stupid. How can this entire situation happen? sure, there are times when you lose control, but deciding that it's okay to do that? No. I'm refraining from spoiling so much... Anyways, the story isn't very convincing and it didn't make me giggle one bit. Okay, back to Ten Count.

    Jessie March 30, 2016 1:31 am

    - squeals -
    Ten Count is my life omg <3 <3

    OliverCrimson April 4, 2016 6:10 pm
    - squeals -Ten Count is my life omg <3 <3 Jessie

    ten count is waifu for laifu

    phinq July 15, 2016 9:04 pm

    sorry,i clicked the wrong button. i wanted to reply but i clicked the annoying one. TT

    Ten count's seme is probably the only seme in manga world that stop having sex when uke want to.