asuka April 9, 2021 2:54 am

I thought I would be able to understand this again after I read ch.45 but now it's back again like I'm reading the kr raws. No right to complain since I am reading in an illegal site and I know translating is hard but there are people who do enjoy doing it. We appreciate the effort latest tl but if you don't enjoy it that would really be the output of your translationad that would make the readers feel bad that you did it when you don't like it when no one asked you to. I've seen scanlation groups and solo tl's that even tho they don't get anything from translating with great effort they still upload good quality translations just bc they love and enjoy what they are doing.
People love this webtoon and it's sad that this has been repeatedly dropped and updates are little to almost none, but what is the point of someone uploading it consistenly but the readers don't understand? It's the same as reading the raws. I know we don't have the right to complain but as you've said you don't enjoy translating coz it's hard, and we don't enjoy not understanding the story we are reading. So to not waste your time please drop this, and to those future people who are thinking of picking this up, if you're not up for it and would just half ass the translation bc it's too much work don't waste your time and please don't translate this. Thank you

    Kan April 9, 2021 4:13 am

    THANK YOU. I don't want to sound rude or anything, it's just...what's the point in Google translations like this? Literally anyone could use the raws and run it thru Google translate

    asuka April 9, 2021 1:03 pm

    Yeah anyone could do it so why don't we?? coz we don't understand. That's the point so why do it for us when we did not do it ourselves? And one more thing I don't understand is people who are defending these translators as if they did us a favor by giving us this half assed work. We did not ask for it and it's fine if no one uploads coz this is an illegal site. If someone picks this up bc they enjoy the story and translating then thank you we appreciate your passion and your empathy to the readers. But if we get none that's totally fine, instead don't upload something half assed or don't upload anything at all. No one loses anything and we kept ourselves sane by not expecting a chapter only to skim read it coz nothing makes sense.