About the translator.....

maq April 9, 2021 1:33 am

Love how they love to preach how "disgusting" this manwha is like they're some saint when their the one BUYING and TRANSLATING it....very amusing. This is all fiction not a story to teach sex ed lmao. I'm pretty sure people can figure what's right from wrong when this is an adult website and in fact a illegal one but we all still come back here to read our stories..

    Juney April 9, 2021 10:30 am

    for real im just here to read porn idgaf if the fictional characters aren't being treated ethically... If I want to learn more about safe BDSM practices or legal/ethical/psychological concerns of rape I'll read a damn book

    gaenugg April 9, 2021 10:48 am
    for real im just here to read porn idgaf if the fictional characters aren't being treated ethically... If I want to learn more about safe BDSM practices or legal/ethical/psychological concerns of rape I'll rea... Juney
