Oh damn I forgot to continue this

aggravated seme April 9, 2021 12:38 am

Yall how is it? I left off at like ch5 and then dipped for... ages ( ̄∇ ̄")

Are yall confused or is the story as good as the art?

    ssinners April 9, 2021 3:57 am

    story is not bad, tbh the biggest thing for me is the lack of interest between the two mc. Likee Gabriel and the vampire literally have so much chemistry and so many scenes in comparison to Sailou. I'd still read it tho (mainly for the vampire dilf)

    Cadis-Etrama April 10, 2021 6:22 am
    story is not bad, tbh the biggest thing for me is the lack of interest between the two mc. Likee Gabriel and the vampire literally have so much chemistry and so many scenes in comparison to Sailou. I'd still re... ssinners

    I wouldn’t call that chemistry you have to remember that he wa under his spell so Yh... that was plain rape and abuse. He’s been saying that for a while now that it feels different when he’s with Saliou cuz he’s normal.