Eh i cant feel bad for Wistrash. I mean, cmon, he has trash in his name. The fact that in ...

WhatAWorld April 8, 2021 11:04 pm

Eh i cant feel bad for Wistrash. I mean, cmon, he has trash in his name. The fact that in 7 years he "never knew" how she was treated makes this worse. He saw the signs each time - he just decided to ignore them. To suddenly notice now, like "OOOHHHH THATS WHAT THAT WAS!!!" he can stop w that bullshit. I can understand being angsty bc your parents died. I can sympathize with that. But he was basically emotionally abusive for seven years....because she was too doll-like? God, women can never satisfy other people with their looks. Now the whole of womanhood not only has to fear being too ugly but also too pretty XD Anyway, he's an idiot.
