what was the point of the girl lying to Shun about his parents? [besides the getting him t...

KaysiHatake March 20, 2016 10:12 pm

what was the point of the girl lying to Shun about his parents? [besides the getting him to see them part] i feel she has a hidden agenda (or not). was she sorta trying to set Shun up and try to make him marry her? i only say this cause of her reaction when she saw them both there and how she slapped poor mio when he opened the door as if she was angry he even came. i couldve have interpreted this wrong

    KaysiHatake March 20, 2016 10:12 pm

    * I could've interpreted this wrong

    Tolly March 21, 2016 1:05 am

    She planned it with his brother, he wanted to meet Shun and she wanted him to see his parents.

    Anonymous March 21, 2016 3:05 am
    She planned it with his brother, he wanted to meet Shun and she wanted him to see his parents. Tolly

    And she's mad at Shun because she wasn't expecting to see him (wasn't prepared mentally) plus the whole thing with the kiss (which is why Mio got slapped)

    KaysiHatake March 21, 2016 10:32 am

    Thanks guys !