First I really enjoyed the story

o.Xilxxn April 8, 2021 1:51 pm

When the story began with the orphanage and the priest I really enjoyed it.

But now I'm kinda pissed of with this sun stone and the wolves... Idk why I dislike it now so much.

Maybe I was hoping Paolo is the winner of all this? I really don't know, but does someone understand me or feels the same? ┗( T﹏T )┛

    ChocoHoney April 8, 2021 1:54 pm

    my god I hate ppl like u. Paolo was a rapist and gabriel would have been miserable with him. He was LITERALLY willing to DIE just now.

    o.Xilxxn April 8, 2021 1:58 pm
    my god I hate ppl like u. Paolo was a rapist and gabriel would have been miserable with him. He was LITERALLY willing to DIE just now. ChocoHoney

    Lol? I never said something like I ship them NOW. That's why the story annoys me at this point... of course Gabriel and Paolo are never gonna be a match, but at the beginning there could be a happy end for them, if the storyline would be different...

    That's just what I wanted to say.

    ChocoHoney April 8, 2021 2:00 pm
    Lol? I never said something like I ship them NOW. That's why the story annoys me at this point... of course Gabriel and Paolo are never gonna be a match, but at the beginning there could be a happy end for the... o.Xilxxn

    The only way he'd ever end up with paulo was if the roles were switched dude. Literally what are u talking about? rewriting the whole manhwa???

    o.Xilxxn April 8, 2021 2:04 pm
    The only way he'd ever end up with paulo was if the roles were switched dude. Literally what are u talking about? rewriting the whole manhwa??? ChocoHoney

    How many times have I to repeat myself?
    Yes, the manhwa is not bad, but I don't enjoy reading it anymore like before... and that's why I'm kinda sad.

    I'm just keep on reading because I want to know whats happening, but that's all. I'm not that hyped anymore.

    I really don't know why and I'm trying to figure it out by myself, but that's just how it is...

    iikaireads April 8, 2021 2:29 pm

    i find it kinda weird ur rooting for the literal rapist even if you’re not shipping them. you know what i mean? why do you want him to win?

    ThLowkey April 8, 2021 2:47 pm

    Same, it's not like I ship them after all what Paolo did, but somehow still want the world to burn, huh

    clowns April 8, 2021 2:51 pm

    I think what you’re referring to is that Before the story went in depth about werewolves and magic you really just enjoyed the priestxmonster trope of the story, am I correct? I could be wrong sorry lol

    clowns April 8, 2021 2:57 pm

    Also the plot and characters weren’t well executed (not a bad story though) which could be another factor. For me I stopped caring for the story when I learned that Gabriel never really cared about being a priest (I was here for that trope but it didn’t serve well so I left)

    clowns April 8, 2021 2:58 pm

    Also also so sorry that your comment is being misunderstood by others lol

    o.Xilxxn April 8, 2021 3:01 pm
    Also also so sorry that your comment is being misunderstood by others lol clowns

    Hahahahaha. It's like you're my left brainside. And you're absolutely right with everything hahaha.

    I kinda just want the humanity suffer a little bit... but in the whole story everything and everyone is against Paolo... even his own child. I think that's kinda unfair and hard for him #-.-)

    clowns April 8, 2021 3:24 pm
    Hahahahaha. It's like you're my left brainside. And you're absolutely right with everything hahaha. I kinda just want the humanity suffer a little bit... but in the whole story everything and everyone is agains... o.Xilxxn

    Who doesn’t want to see humanity suffer a little lol also yeah the author wrote him in a way where he never stood a fighting chance or even made his character interesting as a villain later in

    o.Xilxxn April 8, 2021 4:10 pm
    Who doesn’t want to see humanity suffer a little lol also yeah the author wrote him in a way where he never stood a fighting chance or even made his character interesting as a villain later in clowns

    Yeah... I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with this in mind and so I think that's also a reason, why this manhwa isn't that popular or hyped.

    I hope it's getting better, really