We finally get a female lead who is independent and does what she says she'll do, although...

FairyGodMother April 8, 2021 11:30 am

We finally get a female lead who is independent and does what she says she'll do, although I would've like her to use a fake name when meeting blondie, but why do all female leads like this get stuck with naiive-like maids? I feel like that kinda drags them down.

    Kat April 8, 2021 11:39 am

    same I lowkey want her to be paired with a witty maid not that I don't like the one she's with now but wouldn't you think that it would be so cool to see someone that is on the same page as her.

    Big_pumpkin April 8, 2021 12:57 pm
    same I lowkey want her to be paired with a witty maid not that I don't like the one she's with now but wouldn't you think that it would be so cool to see someone that is on the same page as her. Kat

    I personally think it's all for fan service because those maids are dumb as shit and maids are supposed to help like deliver letters do shady jobs and shit but our maid is going around saying- all people who play at cAsiNo aRe EviL....like wtf?

    Kat April 8, 2021 1:35 pm
    I personally think it's all for fan service because those maids are dumb as shit and maids are supposed to help like deliver letters do shady jobs and shit but our maid is going around saying- all people who pl... Big_pumpkin

    that's a fan service??!!! I didn't know that...(⊙…⊙ )

    Big_pumpkin April 8, 2021 1:59 pm

    I think so because what other use could she have besides that? She's stupid, not cute, she is annoying, she's like a child, but she's supposed to be like 15 to 17 cuz people were more naive and childish then than now so she may seem younger....and she can't even wake up her master...like what uses des she has? Our fl can do all those jobs the maid doing like chores and making her hair and cleaning her room. Rubia can also dress up like most people and she doesn't need the maid. She's there just because fl feels sorry for her. Like name 3 tings Rubia can't do but maid can....nothing. And if Rubia can't do it she can pay somebody less annoying to do that thing for her cuz how she sowed she can easily earn money. Like she pays far more to the maid for not doing anything that she would to a person she would hire for jobs she can't do. Don't say she doesn't pay her cuz she feeds her, gives her shelter, and buys clothes those things can be considered to be a pay for the employee. She's there to attract more guys who like stupid, dumb girls with good body because that's the only thing she really has