Came from tiktok? I’ve been on this site for the past 5 years. I didn’t come from tiktok And even if I did, how does that counter anything I’ve said before. Pedophila is still wrong and this site was not made for Yaoi/ BL manga specifically. And what does sexuality have to do with pedophila? Ma’am, I beg of you, please stop

All kinds, as in all kinds of genres. (i.e shounen, shoujo, comedy, slice of life.) I never once meant pedophila, which has never been a genre. And how is my argument dead? My argument is literally “pedophila is gross, and your going to hell for enjoying it.” You have yet to debunk this statement. And I rather not see you try
Grown ass adults on here tryna debate kids that pedophila isn’t that bad yall going to hell for sure