
Valkyrie March 19, 2016 11:23 pm

This is so funny because it has no absolutely plot whatsoever. It's as if mangaka gave up from the shinobi plot in first few chapters and said "fuck it I'll just do reverse harem fanservice". Seriously it's just one girl who lost all her shinobi skills when guys started leeching on her. But still not a complete waste of time, loads of bishies and somewhat funny.

    narutolvr March 22, 2016 2:08 am

    boom spot on! The chapter where the families just suddenly made an alliance had me like (⊙…⊙ ) lol. But then the author just decided to turn it into a plotless generic love triangle manga, complete with random childhood friends and the MC going back and forth whenever one of the guys gets near her.

    Valkyrie March 23, 2016 5:38 pm
    boom spot on! The chapter where the families just suddenly made an alliance had me like (⊙…⊙ ) lol. But then the author just decided to turn it into a plotless generic love triangle manga, complete with r... narutolvr

    Yes exactly haha. It had alot of potential based on few chapters, too bad. Even the other girls that appear in the manga are actually guys too haha. I hope Shuriken to Pleats don't turn the same way this does.

    Feyren August 4, 2016 10:32 pm

    Long time ago I already read this until chapter 7.. I think it was last chapter at the time. Color me suprised when I found out now story actually is still going on.. Even thou there isn't any plot left.
    This is the first in the mangas I have read. Usually it's other way around - there is still plot left but mangaka have to hurry to end it because page/volume limit.

    I hate it that Kanade's character became prettu much wastful and useless.. She had so strong start.